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Published: 30 April 2024

Equality & Diversity Employment Monitoring & Analysis 2023

Report Summary

As a public body, SPA has a specific duty to publish relevant information to demonstrate our compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), part of the Equality Act 2010. We publish information relating to our recruitment practices and information about employees who share protected characteristics from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

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Training and Development, Flexible Working and Dignity at Work

There remains a need to address data gaps to support assessment of the extent to which there is equal access to training.

We will continue to address data gaps in relation to Training and Development as well as ensuring progress is made in embedding EDI considerations into training and development programmes.

There are a range of flexible working options available to support staff.

In 2022-23, there were 10 flexible working applications in total submitted for approval. Six of these were fully approved and four were approved on a trial basis with trials still ongoing.

Work is underway to revise the current Equality, Dignity and Diversity procedure. This is a joint piece of work between SPA and Police Scotland and involves creation of a framework to support dignity at work in Policing.

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