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Published: 08 March 2023

Drones - Public Briefing - October 2021

Keywords : Drones RPAs Human Rights

Report Summary

A Public Briefing explaining the use of drones by Police Scotland, and the assurances for the public. Published in October 2021.

Looking forward

Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority is committed to policing by consent and in the public interest. The current approach to the use of drones is consistent with this commitment and we continually evaluate and assess to improve our use of drones.

Police Scotland has also recently purchased downlink technology for the drones. This will allow the drone operator to transmit live footage from the camera to an Area Control Room (ACR), providing real time information and situational awareness to a Police Commander.

Technology continues to evolve rapidly and it is vital that policing keeps pace. Any change to the existing approach to police use of drones will be carefully considered by the Scottish Police Authority and views of experts and key stakeholders sought.

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