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Published: 22 August 2023

Digital Strategy Strategic Outline Business Case - 24 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of the Police Scotland Digital Strategy, Digital Division Target Operating Model and accompanying Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC), for approval.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh



Financial constraint is an economic reality, and it is anticipated that the current challenging public sector financial landscape will continue over the course of the next three to four years. It is essential that Police Scotland continues to invest in digital, data and technology capability, and to do so in ways that address existing and emerging priorities.

From the outset of both pieces of work the challenge has been to articulate the needs, ambition and aspiration of Police Scotland (and partners) in relation to our digital, data and technology capability. It is acknowledged that the financial commitments associated with the Digital Strategy are considerable but provide a basis for further detailed discussion regarding change and transformation funding and future financial settlements.

The delivery of the refreshed Digital Strategy and Target Operating Model will require funding of £398.736m across the 5 years.

It is important to note, £183.847m of these costs (including £63.690m revenue) relate to pre-approved funding for existing and in-flight projects. The finance governance process allows for pre-approved projects to receive prioritised funding in the annual budgetary cycle and therefore this case does not seek to initiate an approval process for that funding again.

The net additional funding requirement is £214.889m, which includes £174.449m of capital investment upfront, along with a revenue impact of £40.440m across the initial 5-year period.

The resource costs associated with the Digital Division Target Operating Model proposal have been identified and are included. The proposed net investment in the TOM equates to circa £9.16m (including change management and employee engagement, and new permanent roles), which is less than 2.4% of the total SOBC commitment.

Affordability Analysis



The resources associated with the proposed projects and programmes have been estimated as part of the estimated costs incorporated into the SOBC. These resource costs will be refined as individual projects and programmes complete their IBC and FBC development.

Notwithstanding the significant collaboration and engagement referenced at sections 2.4 and 3.3 there will be a requirement for formal employee and staff association/trade union engagement should the Digital Division Operating Model proposal be approved.


There are reputational implications associated with this paper.

Failure to invest in the Digital Strategy and proposed Digital Division Target Operating Model at the required levels will inevitably impact the scope and scale of digital transformation, and in turn will impact the operational efficiency and effectiveness of Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority.

This in turn may impact the levels of public trust and confidence in Policing in Scotland.


Investment in and delivery of the Digital Strategy and Digital Division Target Operating Model will enable the service to utilise digital technologies and improve overall operational efficiency and effectiveness.

This will maintain and build trust and confidence in policing.


The Digital Strategy contains a range of digital transformation activities which will positively impact on the public, victims and witnesses of crime and which will enable the service to maintain and build positive relationships with the public and communities of Scotland.


An Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment has been completed and the summary will be published with the final strategy.


There are no known Environmental and Sustainability implications. Police Scotland seeks to positively impact on its carbon footprint through a more efficient use and deployment of digital technologies.

The Digital Strategy aims to deliver sustainable solutions that rely on:

Technology that supports the work of our people.
Products that help to keep communities safe.
Services that enhance the way Police Scotland respond to crime.
Communication that allows officers and staff to connect and exchange information effectively across our organisation and with our partners.
Up to date technology and software to ensure our organisation is operating effectively and in an environmentally conscious manner.

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