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Published: 22 August 2023

Digital Strategy Strategic Outline Business Case - 24 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of the Police Scotland Digital Strategy, Digital Division Target Operating Model and accompanying Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC), for approval.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh


On 1st March 2022 Change Board approval was provided for Digital Division to undertake Procurement and Invitation to Tender activity in relation to DDICT Strategy Refresh and Digital Division Target Operating Model.

During March and April 2022 the appropriate procurement activity was conducted and concluded, with Ernst and Young (EY) being awarded the DDICT Strategy Refresh contract, and Capgemini being awarded the Digital Division Target Operating Model contract. The rationale for the two pieces of work is that the Digital Strategy focuses on ‘what’ will be delivered, and the Target Operating Model on ‘how’ the Strategy will be executed.

Both vendors were asked to work closely together to deliver the following core products:
Digital Strategy
Strategic Outline Business Case
Digital Division Target Operating Model

A joint Governance structure was established comprising a Steering Group and Delivery Board, chaired by the CDIO. Following appropriate on-boarding activity the two pieces of work commenced in July 2022 and ran until the end of March 2023.

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