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Published: 05 July 2023

Digital Forensics Next Steps, Accreditation & Timeline for Progression - 4 May 2023

Keywords : accreditation ISO17025

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of Digital Forensics Next Steps, Accreditation and Timeline for Progression


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 4 May 2023

Date : 04 May 2023

Location : online

Further Detail on the Topic

Further detail on the ISO 17025 Project can be found in the briefing paper presented by CS Conrad Trickett (Business Lead, Policing in a Digital World Programme) at the SPA Forensics Services Committee on 14 December 2022

In addition to the background of ISO 17025 Project, the briefing paper outlined the following:

The staged approach to both the scope of accreditation and implementation across the 5 existing Digital Forensic Hubs in Aberdeen, Inverness, Dundee, Glasgow and Newbridge by 2026 (originally 2024).

Update in respect of commencement of the Project, the associated timeline and introduction (June 2022) of the Quality Team within the project to collectively work towards ISO 17025 accreditation.

Scheduling and delivery of training has been completed to broaden understanding of ISO 17025 accreditation. Planning towards data validation of mobile devices to be progressed which will contribute towards timelined activity and preparations for pre-assessment.

Progress since date of last reporting (Dec 2022)

In terms of Governance for the ISO Project 17025, On 22 February 2023, the Change Request for the delivery of the final lab to achieve accreditation (Edinburgh) in 2026, was approved at Change Board.

The Change Request also approved the delay in spend and an additional £47,000 to cover additional accreditation costs that have been identified as the project as developed.

The new reporting baseline is a project completion date of June 2026.

ISO 17025 Draft Project Timeline All Hubs – this details the sequence of accreditation by Hub location. At the conclusion of this cycle, on the assumption that re-accreditation will be achieved at already accredited locations, the scope of accreditation would then as previously planned be expanded to include computers as the Project moved from Programme activity to business as a usual (BAU).

Work will continue to develop and finalise ISO 17025 specific documentation and processes. On completion, these will be uploaded to the Quality Assurance module of our Digital Forensics Case Management system, with work continuing to implement this on the system.

Contract Negotiations between Police Scotland and UKAS are progressing with a view to moving toward agreement in the following areas:-

Completion by UKAS of appropriate Vetting documentation.
UKAS Application Forms by Police Scotland – Ongoing.
Contract Terms and Conditions mutually agreed between UKAS and Police Scotland Legal team and Procurement business areas.
UKAS Accreditation timescales confirmed upon contract agreement / Sign off and Police Scotland Application submission accepted and approved.
Finalisation of Police Scotland UKAS Procurement Strategy.

The Policing in a Digital World Programme (PDWP) continue to ensure that the ISO 17025 Project and the wider Programme activity is aligned, where applicable with the NPCC Digital Forensic Portfolio. This is to ensure Police Scotland’s strategy is underpinned by standards, accreditation, Ethical and Legal governance consistent with the UK approach.

In addition PDWP will keep oversight of developments associated to the Forensic Science Regulator and the regime of scientific quality standards and good practice that are set to encompass all forensic science services In England and Wales.

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