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Published: 27 September 2023

Deputy Chief Constable Designate's Report - 28 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 28 September 2023.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023

Date : 28 September 2023

Location : Merchants House, Glasgow

Strategic Engagement


On Wednesday 13 September, Deputy Chief Officer David Page, Deputy Chief Constable Jane Connors LVO QPM, Chief Financial Officer James Gray and SPA Chief Executive Lynn Brown OBE, provided evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee as part of their pre-budget scrutiny. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was also represented at the session.

In written submission and during oral evidence, we reiterated the hard choices that are being taken to maintain effective policing within available funding, including a pause on police staff recruitment other than for critical or externally funded posts. Consequently, some of the things policing does will be done differently or take longer. The level of service in relation to some police work will reduce and our performance reporting is beginning to reflect those pressures.


On Friday 8 September, Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham KPM attended the COSLA Leaders Forum alongside ACC Steve Johnson, ACC Emma Bond MBE, ACC David Duncan, and SPA Head of Strategy and Performance Amanda Coulthard.

The session provided an opportunity to discuss several areas of shared interest including the importance of local engagement and collaboration, work ongoing through Policing Together, and the draft COSLA / Police Scotland, SPA Partnership Delivery Plan.


Between Thursday 14 and Saturday 16 September Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham KPM attended the Leadership in Counter Terrorism (LinCT) Programme Global 2, in Washington DC.

Police Scotland has been instrumental in leading this collaborative learning and development programme over many years, cultivating effective operational and strategic relationships in countering terrorism. This is reflective of the status and benefits of Police Scotland’s ambition as a global policing citizen in an increasingly international context.

This programme included Embassy visits, academic lectures, and leadership reflection sessions, and culminated with the LinCT Board of Governors meeting where chair for the Board of Governors was formally handed to DCC Graham.