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Published: 27 September 2023

Deputy Chief Constable Designate's Report - 28 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 28 September 2023.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023

Date : 28 September 2023

Location : Merchants House, Glasgow

Our People


An increase to pay and allowances has been agreed for all police officers in Scotland.

The agreement recognises the valuable contribution police officers make in keeping people and communities across Scotland safe. It is also cognisant of the current economic climate and seeks to recognise the fact that officers are unable to take industrial action. The agreement ensures police officer pay since 1 April 2022 mirrors wage growth for the fire service and teachers.

The agreement includes a commitment to commission an independent review to look at police officer pay and benefits, recognising the unique role of police officers in society as well as looking at potential approaches to ensure appropriate wage growth within policing from 2025/26.

I am extremely grateful to our officers for their professionalism, commitment to keeping people safe and the goodwill they demonstrate every day. Recognising and rewarding the hard work of officers is vital and I thank everyone who has contributed to reaching this agreement.

A formal offer has been made by the Scottish Police Authority to all SPA and Police Scotland staff though our Trade Unions; Unison and Unite. Both unions are undertaking consultative ballots to determine if their members are in favour of accepting the offer. I am grateful to union colleagues for their engagement and constructive discussions to get to this point.


On 6 September, the annual Scottish Police Memorial Trust Service of Remembrance was held at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan.

I represented Police Scotland at the service, attending alongside the families and friends of officers who have died on duty in Scotland, Christine Fulton MBE the trust co-founder, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs Angela Constance and Mary Pitcaithly OBE, Scottish Police Authority.

On 24 September along with colleagues from the wider policing family across the United Kingdom, I attended the National Police Memorial Day Service of Remembrance in Cardiff.

Both memorial services were significant and poignant events and provided an opportunity to honour and respect those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while carrying out their public duty.

At the August Promotion Parade, 156 officers were promoted, and recognition paid to five staff members.

I congratulate all officers and staff on their promotion and wish them all the best in their new roles.


Our latest probationer intake took place on 18 September 2023. I had the pleasure of welcoming the 197 recruits at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan.

The intake, made up of 74 per cent male recruits (totaling 146 officers) and 26 per cent female recruits (numbering 51 officers), ranges in age from 18 to 52. It comprises 3 per cent (5 officers) of Black Minority Ethnic heritage and 5 per cent (10 officers) of White Minority Ethnic heritage.

Six of the recruits were previously serving Special Constables with Police Scotland, four were members of police staff, and 25 of the new constables have previous military service.

I conducted the Oath of Office ceremony on Wednesday 20 September where the recruits made the Police Constable declaration to faithfully discharge their duties with fairness, integrity, diligence, and impartiality, and to uphold fundamental human rights.

The probationers will complete 12 weeks of initial training before being deployed to serve our communities across Scotland. I thanked each of them for their commitment to public service and reinforced their crucial role in serving and protecting the people of Scotland.