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Published: 27 September 2023

Deputy Chief Constable Designate's Report - 28 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 28 September 2023.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023

Date : 28 September 2023

Location : Merchants House, Glasgow

Delivering On Our Priorities



Police Scotland’s national rollout of Naloxone began on International Overdose Awareness Day in August 2022 following successful pilots in Caithness, Dundee, Falkirk, Glasgow and Stirling in 2021. That roll out is now complete and around 12,500 officers up to the rank of Inspector, are now trained and equipped to carry Naloxone as part of standard issue equipment.

Naloxone is an emergency, first aid response to an opioid/opiate-related drug overdose. It reverses the respiratory suppression caused by opioids, re-stimulating the casualty’s breathing and can buy critical time for ambulance clinicians to arrive and provide advanced medical care.
Police Scotland officers have now used Naloxone on at least 352 occasions and across all 13 geographical policing divisions. While the overwhelming majority of cases had positive outcomes, sadly, on eight occasions, the casualty was beyond medical assistance and did not survive.
Road Safety - Drug Driving Campaign

Following our Summer Drink and Drug Driving Campaign in July, Police Scotland conducted a further Drug Driving Campaign between 21 and 27 August. The campaign focused on education and awareness raising via social media, alongside enforcement activity across Scotland. A total of 147 drink and drug impairment offences were detected.

Through focused enforcement activity, Police Scotland will continue to target those who selfishly put others at risk by driving after taking drugs, while working with partners to raise awareness of the dangers associated with such reckless behaviour and make our roads safer.


Police Scotland is committed to ensuring perpetrators of sexual and physical crimes are brought to account for their actions. A thorough investigation will always be conducted, irrespective of how long ago the incidents occurred.

We recognise the bravery and courage of women reporting these despicable and debilitating crimes and we will continue to work with our partners in justice and third sector organisations to support victims.

Significant Convictions

On 31 August 2023, Gareth Hutchison, aged 41, was sentenced at Aberdeen High Court to 13 years (10 custodial and 3 extended sentence) having been found guilty of 14 violent and sexual offences against 4 women over a 16-year period between 2004 and 2020.

These crimes had a profound impact on the lives of those involved, and this conviction sends a clear message that any type of violent or sexual abuse will not be tolerated and Police Scotland will use every investigative tool to bring perpetrators of such crimes to justice.


Police Scotland has recently undertaken a review of responses released under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2022. The service’s Information Disclosure team respond to around 1,800 requests every year and often provide relevant statistical information in spreadsheets.

To ensure openness and transparency, all FOI responses are published on a Disclosure Log on the Police Scotland website. This log currently holds responses from 1 January 2022 to August 2023. The Disclosure Log was taken offline whilst the review was carried out.

This work is complete, and following review of the 2,054 responses analysed, there have been no data breaches in contravention of the Data Protection Act 2018.