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Published: 23 November 2022

Demand & Analysis Improvement Plan - 11 October 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the progress of the Demand & Analysis Improvement Plan. 

The purpose of this paper is to provide an update in relation to the 12 recommendations and proposed actions and owners following the HMICS Assurance Review of Police Scotland Demand Analysis and Management.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 October 2022

Date : 11 October 2022

Location : online

Further Detail

The review highlighted the significant efforts the service has made to develop its understanding of demand, as well as identifying some areas for improvement. It noted that demand data and analysis are vital for making informed plans for resources and budget, ultimately ensuring that resources are deployed to best meet the needs of the public.

It is important to note that the review was of the whole organisation’s approach and understanding of demand and was not a specific review of the DPU alone. The report expressed how HMICS were impressed by the capability of the Demand and Productivity Unit however observed that it remains a small unit and the value of its contribution is hampered by capacity to deliver, not capability.

Members of the Demand and Productivity Unit (DPU) and the Governance, Audit and Assurance Team have engaged with HMICS in the development of the responses to the recommendations and are grateful to HMICS for providing their evidential expectations for each of the recommendations. This will assist us to focus on the impact and outcome of the actions and considering evidence in submitting recommendations for closure.

There were 12 recommendations from the HMICS report in total.

Details of the recommendations, key evidence provided to date and current status are detailed in a table enclosed in the PDF. 

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