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Published: 11 September 2023

Cyber Kiosk Update - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Cyber Kiosk Update. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 12 September 2023.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Cyber Kiosks 2

The proposal for the networking of Cyber Kiosks is borne from the clear efficiency improvements which the remote collation of MI and updating of software, via the Digital Forensic hubs, could bring to Digital Forensics. This would ensure that highly skilled staff are being tasked to deliver the service provision which Digital Forensics provides to Police Scotland and the wider criminal justice process is as efficient as possible. There would also be the associated financial savings and the crucial improvement of the welfare of those staff currently travelling significant distances each month for a task which could be completed at their current places of work.

The networking of the Cyber Kiosks would not in any way change the management, safeguards, practices, processes and procedures currently in place. No additional data other than that which is collected currently by physically attending at each Kiosk would be obtained by the networking. No content of any device being examined would be transferred remotely from the Cyber Kiosk to any of the Digital Forensic hubs or other locations. As such the networking of Kiosk does not in any way introduce an increased ‘risk’ to either the owner of the device or to Police Scotland.

In essence the only change which the networking of Cyber Kiosks proposes is the fact that there would no longer be a requirement to physically visit 41 locations.

At the current time the technical feasibility of the networking of the Cyber Kiosks is being explored by Police Scotland Digital Division. This encompasses assurances that Police Scotland current technical architecture is suitable to facilitate the requirements of networking of Cyber Kiosks and if required establish associated costs and requirements to facilitate this.

When the appropriate technical solution has been identified the networking of Cyber Kiosks will then undertake the ‘Rights Based Pathway’ to ensure that it is subject to the robust process and procedures previously endorsed by the SPA.

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