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Published: 13 June 2023

Criminal Justice Services Division (CJSD) Vision & Direction Update - 15 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Criminal Justice Services Division (CJSD) Vision & Direction Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023

Date : 15 June 2023

Location : online



There are reputational implications in this report. The CJSD 5 Year Vision and Direction seeks to enhance and promote the work of the Division, both internally and externally, by providing a formal direction of travel for the division which is open to public scrutiny via audit and assurance stakeholders.

Upon release the document was subject of external consultation with HMICS, COPFS, SCTS and the Scottish Government as key stakeholders in the Criminal Justice System.

The Year 1 update document (Appendix ‘A’) is first annual review of the CJSD 5 Year Vision and Direction. This aims to maintain and increase the public confidence in Police Scotland and its Criminal Justice Services Division. It is the intent of CJSD to revisit the contents of the Vision and Direction upon the future appointment of a new Chief Constable to ensure it is consistent with their own vision for the organisation and that it is closely correlated to, complements and encapsulates the work of Policing Together.