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Published: 14 June 2024

Criminal Justice Services Division (CJSD) Improvement Programme - 11 June 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Criminal Justice Improvement Plan. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 11 June 2024.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 June 2024

Date : 11 June 2024

Location : online

Main Report


The Criminal Justice Improvement Plan was developed, and launched in May 2023, as a consequence of the following:

Considerable financial pressures.

Directly responding to the concerns expressed by Divisional Commanders regarding capacity and inefficiencies.

Identifying areas for systems level improvements that were within the sole responsibility of Police Scotland.

A pressing organisational need to reduce demand and increase capacity.

Introducing a person centred and trauma informed approach throughout all tiers of the criminal justice system.

Maximising the digital opportunities provided during the response to the Covid pandemic.

Chief Constable Farrell has also been clear that Criminal Justice and the delivery of same for victims is a priority, along with the ability to maximise frontline service provision and the prevention of crime in the first instance.

The plan has been subject of several versions, accepting that timelines and actions will continue to change. Delivery of the plan is overseen through the Criminal Justice Improvement Group which sits monthly.

Since its inception, CJ Improvement has been included within the Change environment in acknowledgement of the foundations that it provides for all other change activity. The plan will continue to develop and evolve, with project support having been requested to assist with reporting and monitoring.

Victims groups, the latest academic research and international best practice have all been reflected in the CJ Improvement Plan.

The CJ Improvement Plan is a series of interconnected levers that all need to move at pace to achieve maximum effect.

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