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Published: 14 June 2024

Criminal Justice Services Division (CJSD) Improvement Programme - 11 June 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Criminal Justice Improvement Plan. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 11 June 2024.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 June 2024

Date : 11 June 2024

Location : online


Whilst the CJ Improvement Plan places victims at its centre, it is anticipated that there will be financial benefits delivered. This includes reducing the number of citations and the overtime associated with court attendance (more than £3m in 23/24). The reduction in Court officers will also reduce costs (£7.1m/annum) and allow more officers to proactively police local communities.

The CJ Improvement Plan will ensure that officers are used for a policing purpose, inefficiencies are reduced, and officers can avail of annual leave, rest days and work night shift with less disruption. This will ensure that the Chief Constable delivers on previously stated commitments to prioritise the frontline, and officers’ health and wellbeing.

All CJ Improvement activity will be conducted lawfully and in accordance with relevant legislation, the Lord Advocates Guidelines and the European Convention of Human Rights.

The CJ Improvement Plan is intended to demonstrate to victims and witnesses an intention to make it as straightforward as possible to support the delivery of justice at the closest point to the commission of an offence.

The CJ Improvement Plan also demonstrates to partners and other stakeholders that Police Scotland is a responsible partner and takes ownership to resolve issues that it controls.

All CJ Improvement activity will be conducted lawfully and proportionately, understanding that officer time is precious and is best spent preventing and detecting crime in local communities.

There may be social implications as alternatives to custody and prosecution are considered in this plan. This is however more reflective of a human rights based approach to policing and justice, and a recognition of the need to understand the causes of crime through a person centred and trauma informed approach.

It is anticipated that by full implementation of this plan, low tariff offences can be addressed in the moment, with greater opportunities to divert offenders from prosecution and ensure that those cases that need to proceed to Court do so more easily and quickly.

Community impact will be monitored throughout implementation, but overall the plan is intended to have a positive impact and release more officers to spend more time in local communities.

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