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Published: 23 November 2022

Crime Audit Improvement Plan - 11 October 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the progress of the Crime Audit Improvement Plan, with a summary of Police Scotland’s progress on the recommendations from the recent HMICS Crime Audit 2020  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 October 2022

Date : 11 October 2022

Location : online

Timescales & Dependencies

As previously reported, the complexity and cross cutting nature of the actions and delivery of the recommendations are heavily dependent on the delivery of the COS and FMOR Projects.

The COS platform has now been delivered to all divisions across the North region, with delivery to A Division completed on 10 August 2022. Implementing a new platform whilst at the same time transferring across legacy data (e.g. 1.6 million crime records and 3.7 million location records for A Division) is extremely complex requiring significant planning and technical problem-solving expertise.

The challenge is such that for each divisional rollout in the North region, the implementation date had to be delayed ensuring the accurate transfer of data from numerous legacy systems. Whilst delays were incurred, the rollouts have gone well with the benefits of a truly national crime platform being realised.

The focus for COS rollout has moved to the East region, with all four divisions developing a Change Board and implementation plan. Work has already started on the technical requirements for the transfer of legacy data from each division into the new COS platform.

Following delivery to the East, implementation activity will be carried out for the West which is widely recognised as being the most challenging area owing to the volume of data to be transferred from an ageing legacy system and the significant change this will be for the largest regional rollout for Police Scotland.

The COS project was previously due to conclude by March 22/23 financial year. Like other parts of the organisation COS are losing Police Officers and Support Staff. The staff concerned had specific technical skills and expertise; their loss is slowing the COS rollout and impacting delivery. This has been recorded as a risk for the project and is monitored closely. Owing to the delays with data migration and implementation, it is recognised that COS will not be in operation across Police Scotland by March 2023, and the project will require to be extended. It is anticipated that full roll out will be achieved by 31st December 2023. The project plan is currently being updated to reflect this position and refresh the dates to rollout to divisions across the rest of Scotland.

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