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Published: 23 November 2022

Crime Audit Improvement Plan - 11 October 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the progress of the Crime Audit Improvement Plan, with a summary of Police Scotland’s progress on the recommendations from the recent HMICS Crime Audit 2020  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 October 2022

Date : 11 October 2022

Location : online

Data Integrity Audits

D & N Division audit actions have now been added to the 4Action System for allocation and tracking purposes. Crime Registrars are now in the process of creating a working group to progress actions, with representation from a range of departments.

This group will drive forward improvements from issues identified during the original D Division Health Check and the N Division Crime Data Integrity Assurance Audit. These mainly relate to standardisation of data input and training and other subsequent audits conducted as the rollout moves from Division to Division.

Crime Registrars reported to the Crime Audit Tactical Group a range of Emerging Trends/Issues of Divisional Roll Out which will contribute to improvements in areas such as operational guidance for the management of Divisional backlogs and system configuration.

The group will engage with National Crime and Incident Management Forum, and continue reporting into the Crime Audit Tactical Group. The inclusion of COS Performance Review Group in the Tactical Group will provide a coherent approach to the dissemination of learnings/audit findings on a continuous basis aligned with the national rollout programme.

Due to National Crime rollout slippage Crime Registrars will audit A Division next, which is expected to commence at the end of September and report findings at the beginning of November.
In mid-November Crime Registrars will conduct another D Division audit to assess recording 12 months on from the original pilot rollout and report findings at the end of December.

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