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Published: 09 September 2024

Creating a Positive Workplace Update - 29 August 2024

Keywords : Grievance

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority People Committee with a progress update on the holistic grievance review ‘Creating a Positive Workplace'. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 29 August 2024.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2024

Date : 29 August 2024

Location : Online


Trends and Lived Grievance Experiences


The formal grievance process continues to be utilised by both officers and staff.  Please see Appendix A for a breakdown.  Whilst we have seen an increase in the number of formal cases over the last 2 years, it is hoped that the revised procedure, mediation service and products encouraging early intervention and resolution will assist in reducing the formal submissions moving forward.  A speak up culture should be encouraged, with workplace issues resolved as speedily as possible.

Grievance Lived Experience Survey 

Colleagues from across the Service were invited to share their experiences of raising workplace issues to help the organisation understand how the experience affects individuals and where improvements can be made.

We asked our officers and staff to participate in a survey and the offer of a more in-depth conversation. This process concluded in January 2023 and outputs shared organisational wide on our Policing Together intranet site and via line manager briefings.

The outputs of the survey and stakeholder feedback influenced and has shaped the work to date. Our Trade Unions, Staff Associations and Diversity staff associations were also asked to provide feedback on their experience of supporting a member through a grievance.  They were asked about behaviours and barriers preventing a positive experience and about anything that worked well. They were advised that the feedback would be used to inform considerations to policy, process, training and importantly, our culture, as well as the necessary conversations that are appropriate and supportive for colleagues. All feedback has been considered in making improvements and progress as detailed below.

Early Intervention and Mediation

Launch of Toolkits for our People

Two toolkits/infographics were launched in 2023.  These resources remain readily available on our Policy Hub. These infographics visually detail the steps to consider in seeking to resolve a workplace issue. 

i) Resolving Workplace Issues
ii) Managing Workplace Issues (for People Managers)  

These infographics highlight the importance of 2-way communication and having early conversations. They promote the mediation service and list the people and organisations that are there to support and help them resolve their workplace issue. 
Mediation Service

A key theme from the survey and the Lady Elish recommendations /PSNI review pointed to the need to support early intervention etc. As such, a P&D mediation lead was appointed in July 2023, and we have developed an in-house mediation service capability.  Following a recruitment process and intensive training programme, we now have 25 externally accredited mediators across the service.  The mediators come from a variety of business areas and locations across SPA/Police Scotland. Our mediators undertake this work voluntarily and have a genuine interest in helping people resolve workplace issues. The trained mediators are now promoting and supporting the early resolution of workplace issues.

Since the initial promotion of mediation started back in 2023, we have seen a c.30% increase in the request for mediation, from an average of c.5 mediation requests per annum to c.16 per annum.  The main referral themes were management and colleague relationships. 50% were resolved at the mediation stage.

The mediation service was formally launched on 22 July 2024 alongside the new grievance and resolving workplace issues procedure. A mediation intranet page is available where our people can find more information about the service, what to expect from mediation, how to access support and make a referral. The mediation intranet page had 1310 hits in week 1, which is a positive start.  Briefings and information sessions are being rolled out.

Introduction of pooled resource for grievance investigation

Timescales taken to conclude a grievance process can be lengthy and one of the biggest criticisms from the lived experience, survey outputs and feedback from stakeholders.  This can be caused by several variables including managing the investigation alongside a day job, conflicting abstractions, coupled with periods of sickness absence etc.  

Funding has recently been secured for the organisation to create a pooled/shared investigatory resource and work is underway to recruit posts. A training plan including the new procedure, mediation service, learning from the survey and any audit recommendations will be captured as part of this training to ensure the role fully meets the needs of our people, stakeholders and the wider organisational aspirations.   

Report and Support Tool

Work has recommenced to explore a report and support tool for our people. Any such tool would seek to improve the overall experience of raising a workplace issue. The tool will enable the creation of a ‘speak up culture’ to improve a sense of belonging and allow early reporting of inappropriate and unacceptable workplace behaviours. A project initiation document is being prepared for review.

Policy & Process

Grievance and resolving workplace issues procedure. 

Consultation on the revised procedure began in June 2022 and included group and one to one sessions, workshops and meetings. Despite initial difficulties with participation, progress was made, and a new procedure was published on 22 July 2024.

The procedure has been reviewed, consulted and updated to introduce a number of changes which continue to adhere to the ACAS code of practice and address the key issues identified by users and our stakeholders.

• A change in title to ‘Grievance and Resolving Workplace Issues’.
• There has been a review of language to create a better balance between informal and formal resolution.
• Language such as ‘investigate’ and ‘evidence’ have been removed due to their meaning in a policing context. 
• Opportunities to raise concerns early have been created such as the offer of our mediation service.
• A ‘Guide to Workplace Mediation’ has been introduced alongside guidance for witnesses and subjects of grievances.
• A new appendix to the procedure that highlights the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the process - there is a new checklist for Resolution Managers.

Although largely cosmetic, stakeholders have welcomed the changes. They recognise that the main issues in relation to poor grievance handling are to do with application rather than the procedure itself. People management training is therefore a fundamental aspect in ensuring the resolution of workplace issues at an early stage. The People Management Development programme (PMDP) is now in a place.

Implementation Group

An implementation group was established to enable the roll out and promote the key changes and messaging in relation to the new procedure and the mediation service.  The group has representatives from TUs, Local Policing, P&D, and PSD. Its aim is to seek to support and influence behavioural change across the organisation, using the developed and supporting products, as well as identifying and implementing additional activities. 

A delivery/communication plan has been created in conjunction with Corporate Comms to promote the revised procedure and mediation service.  In addition to intranet articles and the Line Manger brief there is an extensive engagement including inputs at:

• Divisional People Boards
• The Health & Wellbeing Champions Network
• SPF Office Bearers meeting; and
• SMT’s

Full details can be found in Appendix B – Implementation Plan.

Supporting our People

Launch of the People Management Development Programme

As part of the grievance survey and stakeholder feedback, concerns were raised with regards to line management practices.  The key concern was around police officers managing staff without appropriate knowledge of staff terms and conditions and employment legislation.  One specific perception is that officers often treat employment procedures (i.e. grievances/disciplinary) as if they are criminal investigations.  

As part of the creation of the People Management Development Programme (PMDP) this feedback was considered and addresses these aspects. 
The PMDP programme was launched in September 2023 and features several people management related modules including a module titled creating a positive workplace.  This focuses on how people managers can foster a more inclusive and positive working environment and how they can resolve workplace issues proactively.  It directs managers to develop a better understanding of the terms and condition of their people and the Equality Act and our obligations as an employer. 

790 First Level Leaders have undertaken the programme to date, and the feedback has been positive. There are a further 452 First Level Leaders currently booked on for sessions remaining this year.  It is projected that by the end of 2024, 57% of first level leaders will have completed the programme. A PMDP for senior leaders (Supt and staff equivalent upwards) is currently being scoped and is at the Learning Needs Analysis stage. 

Audit Recommendations in relation to Grievance

Various reports and audits have provided recommendations that seek to improve the delivery, handling and reporting of grievances.  Some of these recommendations were already work in progress and some are new and being explored.  Feedback is an important tool, and improving the experience for those involved in the process is a core priority. Work is ongoing to deliver on these recommendations.

Both our people strategy and P&D annual delivery embed the drive to improve the early resolution of workplace issues.

Recently a BDO Internal Audit on grievance was commissioned. Please see Appendix C for BDO Recommendations and progress to date.

The HMICS Organisational Culture Inspection also provided the following recommendation (R07) on the Grievance Process - Police Scotland should rename and refocus its grievance process to resolution/mediation, providing mandatory initial steps and clear training on the management of the process.  The activity associated with the recommendation is progressing well especially with the rebrand and launch of the new procedure. 

Progress on activity in relation to ‘Creating a Positive Workplace’ is captured and monitored on our P&D workplan and the work detailed above is supporting delivery of related commitments within our People Strategy. Namely, to ‘develop and launch mediation services’ and ensuring that ‘Ongoing review of policies & practices are human informed & based on feedback.’ We will continue to update SPA People Committee members at appropriate intervals as work progresses. 


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