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Published: 26 September 2023

COSLA Update - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the COSLA Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online


Verity House Agreement

The Verity House Agreement, signed by the First Minister and the COSLA President on 30 June, sets out principles for Scottish and Local Government to work together to empower local communities, tackle poverty, transform the economy and provide high-quality public services.

It includes commitments to:

• agree a new Fiscal Framework governing how local authorities’ funding is allocated, reducing ring-fencing and giving them greater control over their budgets to meet local needs
• regularly review councils’ powers and funding, with the expectation that services will be delivered at a local level unless agreed otherwise
• incorporate the European Charter of Local Self-Government into Scots Law
• reform public services, building on the partnership working established during the pandemic recovery
• develop a framework for collecting and sharing evidence to ensure progress is maintained.

COSLA – Police Scotland – SPA Partnership Delivery Plan

Work is ongoing between COSLA, Police Scotland and the SPA on the development of a Partnership Delivery Plan, which will underpin the Partnership Agreement signed in April 2023.

The Plan, which is due to be finalised in the autumn, will identify key deliverables under each of the priority areas in the Agreement:

• local scrutiny and accountability
• prevention and early intervention
• health and wellbeing
• resource and investment

Community Safety

COSLA is currently involved in work across a range of community safety issues, including:

• Working with Scottish Government on the development of the Hate Crime Strategy Delivery Plan, with a particular focus on engagement with local authorities to identify key local issues and the scope for supporting place-based approaches to tackling hate crime, stigma and discrimination in our local communities;
• Working with Scottish Government on the implementation of key provisions in the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022, primarily Firework Control Zones (FCZs). From 22 June, councils can designate Firework Control Zones (FCZs) that would make it a criminal offence to ignite a firework, or knowingly throw a lit firework in a zone, which can include private properties or gardens. Scottish Government guidance for local authorities on establishing FCZs has been published and is available here, and
• Ongoing consideration of issues related to antisocial behaviour, primarily through a research piece conducted by the Scottish Government and SCSN on the future of antisocial behaviour.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

COSLA and Scottish Government jointly published a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland on 29th June 2023.

The strategy lays out a shared vision of a Scotland, free from stigma and inequality, where everyone fulfils their right to achieve the best mental health and wellbeing possible. Work to progress the strategies aims will focus on an approach that seeks to:

• Promote positive mental health and wellbeing for the whole population, improving understanding and tackling stigma, inequality and discrimination;
• Prevent mental health issues occurring or escalating and tackle underlying causes, adversities and inequalities wherever possible;
• Provide mental health and wellbeing support and care, ensuring people and communities can access the right information, skills, services and opportunities in right place, at the right time, using a person-centred approach.

An action plan to progress the strategy and an associated workforce plan are currently under development with publication anticipated in Autumn.

MAT Standards

COSLA are committed to supporting Integration Authorities, partners, professional associations and third sector organisation in achieving the aims of the National Mission on reducing drug deaths. The mission aims to improve lives through a holistic approach that seeks to prevent drug overdoses, get more people into treatment and recovery, and address multiple and complex needs. This requires a whole system approach and cross-government partnership to address fundamental issues, with initial focus on improving mental health, tackling homelessness and ensuring a humane and responsive justice system.

COSLA and Police Scotland are represented on the National Mission Oversight Group which oversees the implementation of the action plan and the embedding of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) standards. Both Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and Community Justice Partnerships are working to implement these standards within current systems.

There is recognition that further support is required to adopt MAT standards into the prison system. Further collaboration could take place with COSLA and SPS in improving access to services, and the tailoring of care packages on release from custody, for those within the justice system who have substance misuse issues and how this will better support reintegration back into the community. COSLA are members of the Digital Lifelines Programme Board which aims to promote digital inclusion and develop digital solutions that improves health outcomes for people who use drugs. One of the identified vulnerable groups outlined within the delivery plan was those being released from custody, with current initiatives providing mobile phones on release to allow better connection with services; and exploring the use of Near-Me technology in accelerating community justice social work care assessments.

Trading Standards Scotland Update – Turn Down Energy Scams Campaign

Unscrupulous traders are exploiting the existence of government energy efficiency grants and funding schemes by falsely claiming that they are available for the products they are selling in order to hook consumers into purchasing them. In addition, false/misleading statements are being made as to the efficacy of the products and their suitability within consumers’ homes.

Consumers are particularly vulnerable in this market due to their lack of knowledge of the products and the complex landscape of grants and schemes available from UK, Scottish and local government.

The mis-selling of these measures remains a priority for Trading Standards Scotland through intervention, intelligence and prevention mechanisms. With this in mind,TSS developed a campaign which sought to raise awareness about the mis-selling of energy efficiency measures.

The campaign comprised of two weeks of focussed social media messaging and was supported by a month long STV campaign.

Week 1 of the social media campaign sought to inform consumers on their rights when considering energy efficiency measures and renewables. Week 2 of the social media campaign focussed on informing consumers of the various energy efficiency and renewable options available with information on how to avoid misleading information.

The STV advert can be viewed by visiting this link

Cllr Chalmers officially launched the campaign along with Tom Arthur MSP, Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance in Glasgow City Centre in the middle of August. It also allowed TSS to officially launch their new Scam Van. The Scam Van is now available for local authority colleagues, Police Scotland and partners to utilise, allowing consistent publicity of the Scottish Illegal Money Lending Unity, the ADS Consumer Helpline, the SCOTSS Approved Trader Scheme, Police Scotland contact details, and QR codes for the TSS website. The van is already in high demand and has been utilised to launch an approved trader scheme by a local authority trading standards team, as well as requests from local Police divisions to utilise the van for events.


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