Report Summary
This is the Scottish Police Authority's Corporate Parenting Plan for the 2024-27 period. This was presented to the Policing Performance Committee in December 2024.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
Policing Performance Committee - 10 December 2024
Date : 10 December 2024
Location : online
Monitoring, reviewing and reporting
The Scottish Police Authority will regularly review our Corporate Parenting Plan and monitor performance. We plan to base reporting on a variety of evidence, presenting a rich picture of progress, giving a narrative of oversight and the impact of the Plan. Monitoring performance is laid out as being a requirement in the Act and is crucial for capturing best practice and lessons learned to help the Scottish Police Authority continuously improve. Combined with the oversight that will be provided by our Equalities and Duties Working Group, this will ensure appropriate scrutiny of the Plan and its efficacy.
At the end of this three-year Plan, the Scottish Police Authority will produce and publish a Corporate Parenting Report. This report will detail how the Scottish Police Authority has performed as a Corporate Parent and outline progress made against the actions laid out in this Plan. We will then use any learning and feedback to update the Plan ahead of the next three-year cycle.