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Published: 17 April 2023

Continuous Integrity Screening - 1 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Complaints & Conduct Committee with an overview of Continuous Integrity Screening. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Complaints & Conduct Committee - 1 March 2023

Date : 01 March 2023

Location : online

Proposed Next Steps

SPA members will be aware that in recent months PSOS launched our ‘Policing Together Programme’. Contained within this programme are numerous activities in the Professionalism and Preventions portfolio. There are largely PSD led activities with the role out of a refreshed programme highlighting the Standards of Professional Behaviour, which is progressing well.

A key element of this programme focuses on vetting within PSOS and as outlined, the uplift of vetting resources will significantly enhance the capabilities of our vetting function.

As previously intimated, Police Scotland are progressing towards the introduction of an annual randomised re-vetting programme which will commence on 01 April 2023 and see over 1200 vetting reviews of officers and staff being conducted each year.

To further enhance our vetting position within Police Scotland a number of other actions are ongoing which will both complement our vetting approach but also support our ‘continuous integrity screening’, and they can be summarised as follows;

Continuation of the re-affirmation vetting for all new recruits

Review of timing within the training programme when probationary constables undertake their oath of office

Review of the Application of the Regulation 9 processes in respect of probationers for their entire 2 year probationary period as an alternative to conduct processes.

Publication scheme in respect of redacted conduct outcomes, dismissals, retirals and resignations as a consequence of conduct matters.

Review and benchmarking of Police Scotland against HMICFRS review of vetting, misconduct and misogyny within the Met and also Baroness Casey’s published interim findings in respect of her recent review of the Metropolitan Police.

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