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Published: 17 April 2023

Continuous Integrity Screening - 1 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Complaints & Conduct Committee with an overview of Continuous Integrity Screening. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Complaints & Conduct Committee - 1 March 2023

Date : 01 March 2023

Location : online


On 15 January 2023, Police Scotland received access to a confidential Metropolitan Police briefing paper, ‘Operation Aragatsa’. This related to the criminal offending of Constable David Carrick, a serving Metropolitan Police officer charged and remanded for a number of serious sexual and related offences (initially 53 charges involving 13 victims). The officer has subsequently pled guilty to the majority of those charges and was sentenced on 07 February 2023. The matters surrounding this officer have received extensive UK wide media attention. Multiple media requests have also been made of Police Scotland regarding the themes outlined within this case (over 30 FOI requests received to date as a direct consequence).

The Home Office recently announced that all forces are to check staff against national databases to identify if anyone has ‘slipped through the net’. In response to the Home Office direction the National Police Chief’s Council have responded by stating that all police officers and staff in England and Wales will be checked against the Police National Database (PND) to identify any intelligence or allegations that need further investigation. The direction from NPCC to Chief Constables has asked them to take immediate action to enable checks to be completed by 31 March 2023.

Following recent discussions in Scotland with our Chief Constable and Deputies, Police Scotland are now committed to undertake this work and more, and this paper outlines the proposed plans overseen by DCC Fiona Taylor and led by ACC Alan Speirs. This position has now been supported by our staff associations and intimated within the Scottish media.

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