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Published: 17 April 2023

Continuous Integrity Screening - 1 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Complaints & Conduct Committee with an overview of Continuous Integrity Screening. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Complaints & Conduct Committee - 1 March 2023

Date : 01 March 2023

Location : online


Police Scotland will undertake a Continuous Integrity Screening exercise which will see all officers and staff checked against a number of police systems and those checks will progress on a prioritised basis. It was recommended and approved that all officers & staff are checked against PND, SID, CHS and IBase (ACU database) to provide a high level of corporate reassurance. The Continuous Integrity Screening programme will include all SPA employees as agreed recently with the SPA Chief Executive. With some additional support this work will be concluded within a 6 – 8 week timeframe and alongside other UK Forces will be completed by 31 March 2023. The Continuous Integrity Screening programme is now well under way.

On 21st October 2021, DCC Professionalism, commissioned a review of all complaints and conduct matters which contained sexual circumstances between 1st January 2017 and 21st October 2021 which were reported to or within Police Scotland. The purpose of this review being to ensure Police Scotland has discharged its responsibilities in relation to the management of risk relating to reports or complaints which include sexual circumstances, sexual offending or misconduct by officers or staff of Police Scotland, and where appropriate Police Scotland has fully investigated and progressed matters within relevant legislation, powers and regulations.

The review focussed on reports which stemmed from complaints or conduct allegations across the following business areas:

Complaints about the Police (sexual element)
Referrals through the PSD Gateway Assessment Unit
ACU related referrals, intelligence reports and investigations
PSD Misconduct matters containing sexualised behaviours
Vetting (emphasis on failures and learning which may be drawn therefrom)

An overview of grievance related matters was also included to highlight the scale, range and outcomes in respect of sexual related grievances.

During the course of this review 410 reports of sexual misconduct, for the period 01 January until 2017 until 21 October 2021, were reviewed across each work stream within PSD. The most prevalent reports included Sexual Assault (30%), Inappropriate Comments (17%), and Inappropriate Messaging (13%), 37% of which occurred whilst officers were off duty. This was shared with SPA and whilst no significant issues were identified, all available learning was extracted.

It has now been determined that this review be reinstated to cover the period 21 October 2021 to the present day. It has further been agreed that the Terms of Reference (ToR) surrounding the review be extended to include all domestic abuse related matters. The domestic abuse element of this review will initially cover the last 3 years to present day, a TOR has been developed and the review has now commenced.

Police Scotland are currently developing a policy surrounding the investigation of sexual or domestic abuse offending by Police Officers on or off duty. Notwithstanding that COPFS have a key role to play in directing the investigation of on duty criminality it was recommended and has been agreed that Police Scotland will immediately develop and introduce a policy which addresses investigative ownership. It is proposed that this plan be developed between PSD and SCD PPU and shared with CAAPD and the Sexual offences Unit at COPFS for agreement. Engagement has now commenced between PSD and SCD PPU to develop such a policy.

Finally, the wellbeing of our officers and staff is vital whether they are considered a victim or a subject in relation to on duty or off duty matters. Providing the correct level of support demonstrates our commitment to treating everyone fairly, with integrity and respect. In December 2021, SLB approved the introduction of a PSD led “Investigative – Wellbeing Guidance” document, and this was duly rolled out across the Force. This guidance remains fit for purpose and a communication plan will now be developed to refresh and reinforce the principles contained within the Guidance which are already well understood across Police Scotland.

All of the above actions were endorsed by the Chief Constable and Senior Leadership Team for immediate implementation on Monday 23 January 2023.

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