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Published: 21 November 2024

Complaints & Conduct Committee Annual Report 2023/24

Report Summary

This is the Authority’s fourth Complaints and Conduct Committee annual report, which provides information and insights about numbers, performance and assurance in relation to complaints received during 2023-24.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Complaints & Conduct Committee - 14 November 2024

Date : 14 November 2024

Location : Online

Committee Chair Foreward

This is the Authority’s fourth Complaints and Conduct Committee annual report, which serves to highlight trends in respect of complaints received during 2023-2024, performance in respect of complaints handling during that period and provide assurance in respect of Authority scrutiny in this important area, recognising its key link to public confidence in policing in Scotland. Additional information is also included, this year, in respect of wider matters considered by the Committee, particularly in relation to officer misconduct. 

Introduction of annual reporting in this regard was prompted by the Final Report on the ‘Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing’, undertaken by Lady Elish Angiolini (hereinafter referred to as the Angiolini Review), which recommended that:

The SPA Complaints and Conduct Committee's scrutiny function should be reported on in the SPA annual report, drawing out particular trends, highlighting improvements or concerns and using complaints data as an indicator of communities' satisfaction or dissatisfaction with policing services. (Recommendation 31)

In order to ensure public confidence in the police, the SPA should confirm each year in its annual report whether or not in its view, based on an informed assessment by the Complaints and Conduct Committee and evidence from the relevant audits, the Chief Constable has suitable complaint handling arrangements in place. (Recommendation 59)

In respect of Recommendation 31, as with last year, a high-level summary has been included in the 2023-2024 SPA Annual Report, this more detailed, Committee-specific report aiming to supplement this approach.

In respect of Recommendation 59, a statement has been included in the 2023-24 Annual Report and Accounts as follows:

In May 2021, Police Scotland implemented a new national complaint handling operating model, which the Committee were advised would result in improvements in the quality and timeliness of the complaint handling process. Whilst this is apparently not supported by the above evidence [as set out in this report], it is recognised that demands on the Professional Standards Department (not limited to complaint handling) have increased significantly over the subsequent period amidst tightening resource constraints. Police Scotland recognises that demand now outweighs its resource capacity and has established a group tasked with addressing its complaints backlog and enhancing long-term complaint service delivery.

Engagement has continued with Police Scotland in respect of the development of its assurance reports, with a view to enabling the Authority to provide a more informed assessment as to the suitability of its complaints handling arrangements. Whilst a number of significant improvements and additional disclosures were made during 2023-24, the Committee continues to seek the development of, and reporting against, targets for completing key stages of the complaints handling process; the diversity profile of those raising complaints or those complained about; the appropriateness of current complaint categories; data on complainant satisfaction; evidence that learning is being identified and actioned to prevent recurring complaints; and improved trend analysis.

Based on the above, the Committee will continue to seek assurance on improvement action being taken to ensure the suitability of Police Scotland complaint handling arrangements going forward.

Katharina Kasper

Chair –Complaints and Conduct Committee

November 2024

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