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Published: 23 August 2023

Committee & Oversight Group Reports - 25 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Committee & Oversight Group Reports.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023

Date : 23 March 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Summary report from Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee 31 March 2023

Main Items of Business 

Internal Audit Reports on Police Scotland compliance and staff absence and modified duties.

External Audit Annual Plan


Key issues raised 

Internal and External Audit Reporting

Internal Audit Report on Police Scotland compliance arrangements for PAVA spray and airwave terminal units. Members heard management had identified areas of weakness prior to the audit, therefore work had already commenced to address issues. Noting that PAVA comes under firearm legislation, Members sought assurance that all recommendations could be dealt with within a reasonable timeframe, and were provided with detail behind proposed dates.

Internal Audit Report on staff absence and modified duties. Members raised concern that current training did not cover attendance management, but received assurance it would be included within the new people manager development programme. Members received assurance that modified duties was a long term area of focus and work was being progressed through the Strategic Workforce Plan refresh. Police Scotland confirmed they were looking to move away from absence targets due to the uniqueness of the service. Following discussion of the two Internal Audit reports, Members noted that as there had been some red risk findings, it will translate to an audit opinion that is an ‘except for’ audit opinion.

External Audit Annual Plan. Members were provided an overview of the planned scope of the statutory audit of the SPA, and heard SPA were agreeable to timelines. Members were assured by the work already undertaken between Grant Thornton and Police Scotland in respect of additional work required regarding valuation of land and buildings.

Conclusions/Actions Reached

Members requested delivery milestones be reviewed for PAVA management actions with an update on whether there are opportunities to resolve actions and associated risk earlier.

The Committee are to be advised on whether compliance issues identified in the report are recorded on Police Scotland’s risk register.

Police Scotland agreed to consider whether ‘other’ category for estimated hours to miscellaneous category (page 34 of staff absence and modified duties report) can be broken down further by reason but also by location/ business area to establish local variations and trends.

Internal Audit Report on staff absence and modified duties to be provided to People Committee Members.

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