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Published: 19 April 2023

Committee & Oversight Group Reports - 23 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Committee & Oversight Group Reports. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023

Date : 23 March 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Summary Report from Resources Committee


Financial Monitoring Report P10 2022/23

2023/24 Draft Budget

Pay Considerations

Housing Strategy Implementation Plan update

Police Housing Purchase Kirkwall, Orkney

VR/VER Scheme 2023/24

Contract Award: Vehicle Conversions

Mobile Working Phase 2 End Project Report


Financial Planning

The Committee considered the year to date budget and forecast position for 2022/23. As has been a theme across the financial monitoring reporting to committee, Members commended the clarity of reporting.  The Committee raised concern that despite a new budgeting approach having been implemented, a large amount of capital budget remained unspent at the end of the calendar year.  This will be an area of focus for the new Head of Finance as he takes up post and a number of workshops are to be planned to support budget holders in this area and drive future improvements.

Members noted the intention by the Chief Financial Officer to review internal governance arrangements now that robust project financial management is in place across the organisation. This will seek to remove unnecessary delays which may be resulting from a system which was in place prior to the financial rigour now seen across the organisation.

The draft 2023/24 budget was discussed at length and Members questioned assumptions and sought clarity across a number of areas in a budget which although balanced, will carry some significant implications for the delivery of policing in Scotland.

The Committee sought and received assurances from the Director of Forensic Services that the budget allocation would be sufficient to continue to deliver transformation of Forensic Services.

Police Scotland, Scottish Police Authority and Scottish Government Police Division finance colleagues will continue to work very closely on all budget related matters.

The Committee agreed it was an issue to not have a supporting operational paper to explain how the budget implications would be seen in the delivery of policing across Scotland and highlighted this would be an area of interest for the Authority at its meeting in March.

The End Project Report for Mobile Working was considered and the significant reduction in numbers of officers expected to receive mobile devices from what was projected in the Full Business Case was explained to Members with an assurance provided that the right officers now are equipped with mobile devices. Although the model will evolve over time, the optimal arrangements for mobile device use are believed to be in place at present.  Members were keen to better understand how the anticipated benefits had been impacted given the assumptions made in the approved Business Case will now not be realised due to the reduction in roll out by c.50%.


The following items were recommended to the Authority for approval;

Draft 2023/24 budget recommended to the Authority for approval.

The following items were approved;

Police Housing Purchase Kirkwall, Orkney

VR/VER Scheme 2023/24

Contract Award: Vehicle Conversions

Committee requested further information on benefits realisation for Mobile Working project and governance route to be clarified.


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