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Published: 19 April 2023

Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports - 23 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023

Date : 23 February 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

Summary Report from Resources Committee


Financial Monitoring Report Q3 2022/23

Procurement Standing Orders Review

Procurement Strategy update

Transformation Programme Benefits Report Q3

2023/24 Budget Update

Estates Professional Services Framework

Contract Award: Provision of Quality and Energy Efficient Housing Refurbishment Works

Office 365 Full Business Case

Leadership End Project Report

National Law Enforcement Data Service (NLEDS) Project


Financial Planning

The Committee discussed at length the year to date budget and forecast position which remains in line with the approved budget break even position. The financial position alongside any remaining threats and opportunities will continue to be very closely monitored in the coming weeks.

Members reflected the opportunity to take lessons learned from the first year of a new approach to managing capital spend across the year and discussed steps that could be taken to improve this approach for next year.

A paper provided details of the extensive work to develop a balanced budget for the 2023/24 financial year was discussed at length. A number of planning assumptions were discussed with clarity being sought in a number of areas.


The Committee considered a number of changes to the Police Scotland Standing Orders relating to procurement to update the existing arrangements.

The annual review of the Procurement Strategy was noted by the Committee and the ways in which the Strategy had been reviewed against its objectives was discussed. A commitment was given to bring forward a refreshed Procurement Strategy during the coming financial year.

Transformation Programme Benefits

The Q3 benefits report was discussed and the Committee welcomed confirmation that the new Benefits Realisation Framework would be presented to the Committee during the first quarter of 2023/24.

Contract Awards

The Committee considered proposals in respect of the award of a framework agreement over 4 years for professional estates services which will make procurement faster and more efficient and a contract award for provision of Quality and Energy Efficient Housing Refurbishment Works.

Business Cases/End Project Reports

The Full Business Case for Microsoft Office 365 was considered, including the options to deliver the solution and the associated costs and benefits. Members also sought and received assurances on data protection issues and learning from other projects.     

An End Project Report for the Leadership Project was considered. The project delivered on time however as a lot of the benefits are of a qualitative nature these would not be able to be seen until after a full year of the project having been rolled out.  Future updates and an assessment of how effectively this approach is meeting the needs of the organisation and its people will be done as part of the Leadership Development updates at the People Committee.

The Committee considered a report on the National Law Enforcement Data System (NLEDS) Project which is a large, complex IT programme of work being led by the Home Office. It was noted that work was underway to develop the Full Business Case which would be brought forward to a future meeting of the Committee.


The following items were recommended to the Authority for approval;

Procurement Standing Orders Review

The following items were approved;

Estates Professional Services Framework

Contract Award: Provision of Quality and Energy Efficient Housing Refurbishment Works

Office 365 Full Business Case

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