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Published: 19 April 2023

Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports - 23 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023

Date : 23 February 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

Summary Report from People Committee


Q2 Workforce Report 2022/23

Bi-Annual Strategic Workforce Plan update

Q2 Wellbeing Report 2022/23

Bi-Annual Equality and Diversity Report

Scottish Government Race Commitment

Bi-Annual Your Voice Matters Update

Q2 Health & Safety Report 2022/23

Succession Planning Update

PLDP 12 Month Evaluation

PNB Strategic Commitment Progress Update


Q2 Workforce Report 2022/23

The Committee discussed the report at length and assurances were given that robust management of Re-Rostered Rest Days (RRRD) continues to reduce the high levels that had been reported to previous meetings of the People Committee. Going forward, discussions with partners are underway to ensure the need for any RRRD is kept to a minimum and a new IT solution is being developed to improve court scheduling which should drive improvement in this area.

Request made that future reporting provides details of the steps that are being taken to drive down absence levels, along with data to evidence whether the interventions and initiatives are having the intended impact.

Additional contributions from both ASPS and SPF colleagues provided helpful insights on the matters discussed.

Bi-Annual Strategic Workforce Plan (SWP) update

It was confirmed the work to refresh the SWP will be aligned to the People Strategy and the refreshed approaches to Training and Pay and Reward. Members agreed with Police Scotland colleagues there is a greater than ever need for robust workforce planning given the challenging times ahead for policing and in general across Scotland.  The Committee noted a commitment to ensuring the refreshed plan was developed in partnership with Staff Associations and Trade Union colleagues.

Q2 Wellbeing Report 2022/23

The reduction in number of people waiting on IHR decisions was recognised and future reporting to the committee will include modelling for when it is anticipated the turnaround time of IHR cases are anticipated to be at the optimal time.

An action referred from the Resources Committee was picked up by this committee and further analysis is to be provided in respect of officer wellbeing and any known impacts of the high levels of officer overtime being carried out.


Bi-Annual Equality and Diversity Report

As was a theme across a number of discussions at the meeting, future reporting should provide an assessment of whether the activity resulted in any improvement. It was explained this was the ambition for future reports and will be done through close working between P&D and Strategy and Performance colleagues.

The Committee reflected on recent reports of worrying cultural challenges in other uniformed organisations in the United Kingdom and there was discussion about the extent to which this narrative had been seen in the discussions taking place as at EDI and recruitment events. The committee heard how the inclusion agenda was to be a significant focus of the leadership development activity across the organisation.  Attendees did recognise that some of the challenges being faced are likely to be as a result of misperceptions and opinions that have been based on false information.

Scottish Government Race Commitment

The Committee was very supportive of the strategic intent of the commitment and welcomed the ambition for this to be integrated into the next Strategic Plan.

Bi-Annual Your Voice Matters Update

An update on activity was provided and it was agreed future reporting would be improved to give details of planned timescales for each initiative and progress against milestones.

Q2 Health & Safety Report 2022/23

The reporting in this area continues to improve which was very much welcomed by the Committee. Given the importance of this issue, the significantly improved reporting of assaults was welcomed as was the continuing work to establish a true baseline for assault data going forward.

Succession Planning Update

Members discussed short and long term arrangements to ensure a strong cadre of officers exist who are qualified to step up to Executive Ranks.

Police Leadership Development Programme (PLDP) 12 Month Evaluation

Members considered an update on this and heard the next steps on how the programme will be taken forward.

PNB Strategic Commitment Progress Update

Members considered the paper which had been submitted to provide details and progress in relation to the PNB Strategic Commitment agreed between the Official Side and Staff Side as part of the police officer pay agreement for 2022/23


Committee endorsed the Police Scotland & Authority’s planned next steps in respect of the SG Race Commitment.

Future reporting to People Committee to continue to improve to provide a better understanding of whether interventions and initiatives are having the intended impacts or not. Details of progress against planned milestones/timescales also to be included in updates to Committee as this will give Members a better understanding of the impact being seen for staff and officers.

Further analysis to be provided to the Committee which will provide information in respect of officer wellbeing and any impacts of high levels of officer overtime that has been carried out.

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