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Published: 19 April 2023

Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports - 23 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023

Date : 23 February 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

Summary Report from Forensics Services Committee - 1 February 2023


Forensic Services Directors Report

Forensic Services Performance Report (Q3)

Drug Driving Update

Forensic Services Financial Monitoring Report

Project Weaver

Forensic Services Change Programme Update

Regulation, Compliance and Assurance Activity of Forensic Services

Initial Business Case for Core Operating System

Operational Risk

Forensic Services Budget and Capital Investment


Forensic Services Directors Report – Members were updated on recent key activities across Forensic Services. Particular attention was given to supporting staff’s mental health and a pilot project which will look at incorporating psychological supervision into professional practice. This will be a comprehensive piece of work and it will take some time before FS can fully assess the impact that it is having, however, members will receive future updates on this work.

Forensic Services Performance Report (Q3) – Members and COPFS welcomed the significant improvement in relation to Section 4 and Section 5a cases. Members have asked for an analysis of the sustainability of outsourcing and associated risks.

Drug Driving Update – The committee discussed the upcoming publication of the HMICS Review Report which is anticipated for March 2023. Members will be provided with ongoing assurance in relation to drug driving, and asked that future reports provide greater detail on how many cases have been outsourced, along with real-time information in relation to outsourcing for toxicology.

Forensic Services Financial Monitoring Report - Members considered the reported financial position of Forensic Services as at the end of Q3 (31 December 2022), as well as the final forecast for the full outturn to 31 March 2023.

Project Weaver – The committee received a final report in relation to this work before it is incorporated into business as usual. Members were provided with assurance around how this area of business has progressed and how resource levels can be adapted to meet demand going forward. Members paid tribute to the team for delivering this change project successfully and have asked for a lessons learned document to be produced in order to emphasis the good practice, and identify if there are areas that can be replicated further down the line.

Forensic Services Change Programme Update – Members provided their feedback on this report and requested an assurance map in order to gain a sense of timeframes around what areas were ahead or lagging and the reasons for that. A revised version will come to the next committee meeting.

Regulation, Compliance and Assurance Activity of Forensic Services -

Members noted this complex regulatory landscape and were advised on the likely implications for the organisations around the Regulator’s Code of Practise. Members were assured to hear that there will be a short life working group set up within FS to ensure they have a detailed gap analysis between the requirements of the standard and FS Management System. There will be a clear plan for areas that need to be developed further and what areas will provide challenge.

Initial Business Case for Core (IBC) Operating System – Members had a detailed discussion on this work, and the expanded IBC will be presented to both Forensic Services Committee and Resources Committee members on completion.

Operational Risk – Members welcomed a report on operational risk and noted the need to highlight difference between desirable and realistic risk appetite and further consider risk appetite, tolerance and mitigations.

Forensic Services Committee Budget & Capital Investment        Report – Members were provided with a detailed overview the 2023/24 budget setting process for SPA Forensic Services. Particular attention was given to 2023/24 Budget: Service Impact. Members provided their feedback and further updates will come to the committee in due course.


Members AGREED the need to be provided with an analysis of how sustainable outsourcing will be and risks attached.

Members AGREED that in relation to Drug Driving there is a need to include charts which detail how many cases have been outsourced.

Members AGREED that in relation to Project Weaver there is a need to produce a lessons learned which emphasis the good in order to identify if there are areas that can be replicated further down the line.

Members AGREED that in relation to the Forensic Services Change Programme there is a need to revise the format of the report and include some form of assurance map in order to gain a sense of timeframes around what areas were ahead and lagging and the reasons for that.



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