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Published: 19 April 2023

Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports - 23 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023

Date : 23 February 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

Summary Report from Forensic Services Committee - 14 December 2022


Performance Framework Development

Demonstrating Value

Digital Forensics Next Steps, Accreditation and Timeline for Progression

Forensic Toxicology Oversight Group Update

Final Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Forensic Services Budget and Capital Investment Report

Strategic Workforce Planning


Performance Framework Development – Members were provided with an update on the developing Performance Framework. The objective is to ensure that Forensic Services Strategic priorities link to measures, aligned with Scottish Government outcomes. The process is FS led, with additional input from the SPA Corporate Team. The framework is scheduled for report to Committee May 2023.

Demonstrating Value – Members were provided with a verbal update on new work to demonstrate the contribution of forensic science to the justice sector and national outcomes in Scotland, This is being taken forward by a new Forensic Science Value Steering Group, chaired by the SPA Vice Chair. Members were encouraged by ongoing discussions with stakeholders on the matter, and the support for this work offered by the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science (LRCFS). Members await a fuller report on this area of work to the next Forensic Services Committee on 8th May 2023.

Digital Forensics Next Steps, Accreditation and Timeline for Progression – Police Scotland provided members with an update and members welcomed the  clear understanding of associated timelines. Following a detailed discussion, members have asked that in time there is a read across as to how this fits within the wider regulatory landscape. A fuller report is scheduled for the Forensic Services Committee on 8th May 2023, and the committee remains committed to ongoing oversight of this work.

Forensic Toxicology Oversight Group Update – The committee was updated and assured around updates provided to the group on 1st November and 5th December 2022. Following the delivery of Project Weaver on the 1st December 2022 along with substantial progress made with drug driving, it was agreed by SPA Board Members to stand down the Forensic Toxicology Oversight Group, following the meeting on 5th December 2022.

Final Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) – The MoU sets out arrangements between SPA Forensic Services and service users (Police Scotland, COPFS and the PIRC) for the provision of forensic services, with the aim of ensuring their effective delivery within the criminal justice process in Scotland. Members were provided with a further draft MoU update, which contained the latest comments from Police Scotland and Crown Office. The committee had a detailed discussion on the matter and noted the importance for Forensic Services of a proactive approach to managing demand. The MoU will be discussed further between PS, COPFS and Forensic Services, with the committee retaining oversight of progress. 

Forensic Services Budget and Capital Investment Report - Members were provided with an update on the financial position of Forensic Services at the end of Period 7 (31 October 2022)  2022/23 and noted that further updates  will be provided to the February Meeting when greater clarity will be available. 

Strategic Workforce Planning – Members welcomed an update on the work to date on the Forensic Services Strategic Workforce Plan, with specific reference to the considerations for Forensic Services in 2023/24. Members provided feedback on the document and were assured that work remains ongoing, further supported by discussions with Darren Paterson at the SPA and with colleagues in People and Development in Police Scotland, and that work is ongoing to develop the plan in more detail for future years.

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