Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Committee & Oversight Group Chairs Reports.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023
Date : 23 February 2023
Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow
Summary Report from Complaints & Conduct Committee
Police Scotland PSD Quarterly Performance Report (Q2)
SPA Quarterly Report (Q2)
PIRC Quarterly Report on PS Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals (Q2)
Organisational Learning
Key Themes of Complaints
Professional Boundaries – Progression of Recommendations
Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing (PS and SPA Updates)
Police Scotland Restricted Duties and Suspended Officers
SPA Ongoing Complaints Update
Police Scotland Professional Standards Quarterly Performance Report (Q2) – Members received a report in relation to complaints and conduct matters about members of Police Scotland for period (1 April 2022 – 30 September 2022). As a result of detailed discussion on a number of areas and to provide members with further assurance, Police Scotland have agreed to undertake a detailed review to provide further assurance in relation to the volume of statutory referrals to PIRC in relation to armed policing. In addition they will review the timescales reported to close non-criminal and FLR complaints. Police Scotland will also provide a summary of number of instances of application of Early Intervention & how effectiveness of programme is measured in terms of reduced complaints. Members highlighted the need for improvements required within the report and have asked Police Scotland to reconsider the presentation of data by transferring narrative data into graphics to allow a more visual overview. In addition members have asked that other lenses of analysis are considered (beyond geography) when referring to complaints to provide members with a deeper insight.
SPA Quarterly Report (Q2) – Members welcomed and were assured by the detail contained with a report which informed members on complaints and conduct matters including includes key statistics reflecting the position at the end of Q2, 2022/23.
PIRC Quarterly Report on Police Scotland Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals – Members were provided with a report which contained statistical information in relation to PIRC Complaint Handling Reviews and Investigations and Investigation Referrals. The report included key statistics reflecting the position at the end of Q2, 2022/23. Members were further assured following queries they had around trends and statutory referrals on fire arms. Members were made aware of the substantial workload currently being placed on PIRC.
Organisational Learning – Members welcomed an SPA report which detailed the results of a review conducted by the SPA Complaints Team into trends and learning opportunities identified in relation to the handling of relevant complaints by the SPA over the period 2017/18 - 2021/22.
Key Themes of Complaints – Following a request for more information in relation Discriminatory Behaviour, Quality of Service and drivers for Irregularity in Procedures, members received a report which addressed these areas. Members were assured around a number of areas within the report and it was agreed that it was important to follow up on these areas at future meetings, therefore, management actions of the analysis provided within the report to be brought forward to a future committee.
Professional Boundaries – Progression of Recommendations – Members received a report in respect of the PSD case review of complaints and conduct matters impacting on professional boundaries. Members welcomed the report and noted that it represented a firm change in the organisation. HMICS noted that they are keen to have an assurance review of the current vetting arrangements. Discussions around that have already started to take place in order to allow the review to take place in the next 12 months
Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing (PS and SPA Updates) – Members welcomed these standing updates and no areas of concern were noted, however it was agreed that there would be an analysis around the desired impact of closed recommendations.
Police Scotland Restricted Duties and Suspended Officers
SPA Ongoing Complaints Update
Members AGREED the need for a more detailed review in order to provide further assurance in relation to the volume of statutory referrals to PIRC in relation to armed policing.
Members AGREED the need to review the timescales reported to close non-criminal and FLR complaints and report back to the committee.
Members AGREED the need to have a summary of number of instances of application of Early Intervention & how effectiveness of programme is measured in terms of reduced complaints.
Members AGREED for a summary of number of instances of application of Early Intervention & how effectiveness of programme is measured in terms of reduced complaints.
Members AGREED the need to transfer narrative data into graphics to allow a more visual overview.
Members AGREED the need to consider other lenses of analysis – i.e. determining factors beyond geography when referring to complaints to provide members with a deeper insight.
Members AGREED the need to be provided with information on work to understand/address impact of totality of complaints on workforce.
Members AGREED the need to be updated for management actions following the report on Key Theme of Complaints.