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Published: 18 August 2023

Committee Chairs’ Reports - 21 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with with details of the Committee Chair's Reports.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 June 2023

Date : 21 June 2023

Location : Apex Grassmarket, Edinburgh

Main items and key issues raised - Complaints & Conduct Committee

PS PSD Annual and Quarterly Performance Report (Q4)
Members welcomed a newly formatted report in relation to complaints and conduct matters about members of Police Scotland (PS) for period (1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023). As this is a new approach to the report it has been requested that SPA colleagues review to ensure that no areas or recommendations have been overlooked or reversed as noted within the Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing (Dame Angiolini Recommendations). Members were assured that, following recent comments by the Chief Constable around institutionalised discrimination, PS await updates to the Centurion system which will allow for diversity information to be pulled, they intend to review this area and return to the next committee with an update. Members were also assured around work being done by the team in order to inform and develop the picture in relation to public satisfaction of PS.

SPA Annual and Quarterly Report (Q4)
Members were updated on key statistics reflecting the position at the end of Q4, 2022/23. The report also included key statistics over the past 4 years, 2019/20 to 2022/23. Following discussions SPA colleagues have committed to reflect on the presentation of data in relation to complaints upheld and not upheld.
PIRC Annual and Quarterly Report on PS Handling of Complaints and Investigation Referrals (Q4) Members were provided with statistical information in relation to PIRC Complaint Handling Reviews along with an overview on the Investigation Referrals. The report included key statistics reflecting the position at the end of Q4, 2022/23. Members were assured around any queries they had on the data presented, and asked that a risk based approach to complaints be included within the data presented for future reports.

PIRC Joint Audit
Members reviewed the Audit Report of Police Scotland on the triage of Complaints about the Police carried out by the PIRC, noting findings and relevant recommendations made. It was noted that this report was two years out of date, and the delays to the publication were due to resource issues at PIRC. Members have been assured by PS that they will take on any relevant learning, however, the Complaint Handling Model has dramatically changed since the publication of the report with many of the recommendations already discharged.

PS Vetting Overview
Members were updated on recent developments and improvements to processes within PS vetting department. Members had a number of queries in relation to the report, noting the importance of consultation around Continuous Integrity Screening and expect further updates in relation to this matter. Members were assured by HMICS that they will be publishing a report on vetting, expected in August 2023.

Professional Boundaries – Bi-Annual Progress Update
Members were updated on the ongoing activity in relation to Professional Boundaries. Members were assured that work was ongoing with PS Strategy and Innovation colleagues to provide support and assistance in devising a framework to measure success or otherwise. Engagement with staff associations on a monthly basis will also feed into this. Members were also assured that work is continuously addressed to enhance this piece of work and the approach is broad and inclusive with learning being gained at all times.

PS Organisational Learning
Members were updated on Organisational Learning which detailed what work was being done and needed to be done going forward. Members encouraged PS to progress the continuous improvement element as much as possible and assess the effectiveness and impact. PS colleagues intend to discuss and report back the best way to assure members around the output of this work from an assurance perspective.

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