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Published: 18 August 2023

Committee Chairs’ Reports - 21 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with with details of the Committee Chair's Reports.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 June 2023

Date : 21 June 2023

Location : Apex Grassmarket, Edinburgh

Conclusions and actions reached (1)

Members AGREED the need for PS to give consideration to how they can present data around Irregularity in Procedure and Quality of Services complaints on a more regular basis. Members further AGREED the need to give consideration to an informal session on this, including a discussion document which could be linked into dip sampling and the PIRC Audit in order to bring everything together as a package.

Members AGREED the need for the SPA to ascertain that the National Governance Structures have an element of impact assessment in relation to Dame Angiolini Recommendations. If there are any issues from a result of that then report back to a future committee.

Members AGREED the need for a public report in relation to Continuous Integrity Screening returns to the committee in due course.

Members AGREED the need for consideration to be given to how diversity information can be drawn on for both officers and complainers in the absence of a system update.

Members AGREED the need for PS to engage with SPA colleagues to ensure the data within this report filters thorough to the committee annual report.

Members AGREED the need for the SPA to review and ensure that no recommendations noted within the Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing have been reversed as a result of the new data being presented by PS.

Members AGREED that the number of officers for each command area is highlighted when referring to complaints received within each command area.

Members AGREED the need to bring forward the number of people with protected characteristics that have failed vetting. This will allow members to be assured that specific community group applications were not being excluded. In addition include the feedback provided to applicants who failed their vetting.

Members AGREED the need for the SPA to reflect on the presentation of data in relation to complaints upheld and not upheld within this report going forward.

Members AGREED the need for the PS to consider and present data to provide assurance to the committee that complaints are handled in a risk-based manner, and resources are prioritised accordingly.

Members AGREED the need for PS to consider how to best to inform members around the output of the Organisational Learning work from an assurance perspective.


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