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Published: 29 November 2023

Committee Chair's Report - 30 November 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee meetings since the last Authority Meeting.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 30 November 2023

Date : 30 November 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Police Negotiating Board

Since the August Authority Meeting an agreement on police officer pay was reached, which was as follows:
• 7% increase in pay and allowances for all police officers
• Joint agreement to commission independent research/review on
o options, benefits and risks in relation to potential wage growth mechanisms that would ensure appropriate wage growth for police officers from 2025/26 onwards
o police officer pay and benefits ensuring consideration of relevant comparators/factors
The joint research will be a key enabler to delivery of two areas for development outlined in the Joint Fair Work Annual Assessment presented to the People Committee in May 2023. These relate to the need to consider appropriate approaches to wage growth aswell as a strategic approach to pay and reward.
The key purpose and intended outcome of the research will be to provide a shared evidence base for the Official Side and Staff Side to support collaborative working with regards to future pay and benefits negotiations.

As outlined at the Authority Meeting in August, PNBS replaced PNB on 17 August 2023 and the first meeting of the PNBS took place on 26 October 2023. This was the first meeting of new PNBS Chair Lisa Blackett who was appointed on 18 September 2023 for a period of four years.
The focus of discussion related to:
• agreeing principles and steps to progress the agreed independent research
• the plan to progress a PNBS Review Group which will reflect and review how PNB previously operated to ensure the opportunity is taken to ensure improvement as part of the implementation of PNBS.
The PNBS Review Group will meet monthly to ensure progress in advance of the next PNBS in February 2024 with the hope that proposals for improvement can be agreed in advance of the commencement of 2024/25.
In summary the next steps are to:
• Work with the PNBS Chair and stakeholders to ensure PNBS is effective and efficient following implementation of PNBS legislation
• Commission independent research in relation to wage growth and pay and benefits
• Progress collaborative working between the Sides of the PNBS in considering and seeking agreement on next steps following the outcome of the independent research

Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF)
The SPCF provides a forum for effective consultation with key policing stakeholders on proposed changes to police regulations that are outwith the remit of PNBS (e.g Conduct, Performance and Promotion Regulations). In addition the forum also has an additional, and much broader remit, to discuss topics with key stakeholders that impact on policing in Scotland, providing advice to Scottish Ministers.
This forum is independently chaired by the PNBS Chair and it is anticipated that the efficiency and effectiveness of this forum will be reviewed alongside PNBS. An area of particular interest as part of this review is understanding what the broader remit of the SPCF means in practice.

The focus of the forum in recent months has been to:
• consider the implications and potential regulatory changes required for the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill
• consider potential regulatory implications associated with HMICS recommendations in relation to Vetting
• facilitate discussions on the impact of mental health and court processes on policing demand
• discuss potential regulatory improvements in relation to Ill Health Retirement and Injury on Duty processes for police officers (with regular updates provided to People Committee)
Further updates on SPCF will be provided alongside PNBS updates going forward.

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