Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the Committees which have met since the last Authority Meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023
Date : 28 September 2023
Location : Merchants House, Glasgow
Policing Performance Committee
Operational Policing Policy
The Committee welcomed an update on the use of Cyber Kiosks and noted the plans to centrally network all Cyber Kiosks which will drive efficiency improvements through remote collation of MI and updating of software. The Committee will consider the Independent Review report by the ICO at a future meeting.
Members considered an update on the national roll out of Naloxone to frontline officers and commended the work of frontline officers and the Coordination Unit who support safe and effective use of Naloxone. Assurance was provided that processes are in place to ensure that initial training is provided and then refreshed at appropriate intervals with probation training now incorporating Naloxone training.
The ongoing challenge for Police Scotland to unify legacy processes and implement a consistent national provision for Resource Deployment Unit (RDU) data along with the findings of a recent internal audit of the RDU Redesign Business Case were considered by Members. The movement of first line supervisors between locations and the resulting impact this has on continuity of leadership and support for teams was discussed and it was agreed this should be an area of focus for future Committee scrutiny. Members will seek assurance that there is a good understanding of the risks that require to be managed and that the hybrid approach to be taken forward will provide decision makers with the necessary data to take informed deployment planning decisions.
Performance Reporting and Improvement Activity
Members requested that Police Scotland should include detail of resource prioritisation decisions and anticipated impact from Q2 Policing Performance Report onwards. Members asked that clarity be provided in future reporting on how resource prioritisation decisions are being communicated internally and externally. All parties agreed that the SPA/COSLA/PS Partnership Agreement and supporting delivery plan will be enhanced to include activities focused on prevention and whole system pressures.
The Committee was updated on the Modernised Contact and Engagement (MCEP) Programme and it was reported that 1700 colleagues will receive comprehensive training over the next seven months. The importance and relevance of this work to Local Authorities was acknowledged and it was agreed that an MCEP update will be shared through the next Police Scrutiny Conveners Forum.
Members were provided with an overview of Police Scotland’s HMICS improvement plans in the areas of Contact Assessment Model, Domestic Abuse, Hate Crime, Online Child Sexual Abuse, and Crime Audit. Police Scotland described progress made on each area, noting resourcing challenges and key dependencies which impact on the deliverability of plans. Further updates will continue to be provided to committee on a 6 monthly basis across all relevant improvement plans. Members expressed the need for clear articulation of what work in these areas will achieve and how this will be measured.
Public Confidence and Partnership Activity
Members were provided with an overview of the work of the Public Protection Development Programme, which outlines aspirations of the programme, work delivered to date and products expected in the coming months. Given the importance of this area of work members have asked that a workshop is arranged to share findings of the discovery work outlined. An update will also be provided to the next meeting of the Police Scrutiny Conveners Forum.
Members discussed the recent SPA Public Polling and the fall in public trust and confidence being reported. When discussing how this compares to other public bodies in Scotland members asked that further work to compare levels across public service is carried out and that Police Scotland feed insights from their own work and YouGov polling in to this process.
Members were provided with an update on commitments made following the Mental Health, Vulnerability and Policing conference in December 2022, outlining progress made by Police Scotland and ongoing work which will be delivered over the next few months. Given the imminent publication of the HMICS report on the policing of mental health it was agreed that a consolidated improvement and action plan will be presented to a future committee.
A number of actions will remain open and ongoing to allow additional assurances to be provided to the Committee on a number of key areas.