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Published: 27 September 2023

Committee Chair's Report - 28 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the Committees which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023

Date : 28 September 2023

Location : Merchants House, Glasgow

People Committee

Wellbeing and Inclusion
The continuing work to improve Committee reports was recognised however Members expressed concern there was still a lack of evidence that a joined-up approach is being taken by the organisation to ensure those who need support may access the appropriate help. Going forward, Committee focus will be on seeking assurance there is an organisation wide approach to all wellbeing activity and that the practical steps being taken across all the initiatives are having the intended impact and are supporting our people when they need. The Director of People & Development assured Members this was the intention and she was confident the work, which is already well progressed, will provide the Authority with quality data and insights.
An area of focus for this Committee over the past 12 months has been the delays in the Ill Health Retirement (IHR) process and the impacts on those affected. Assurance had been sought and received by Members that steps were in place to mitigate any impacts for those affected and that effort was being made to improve performance in this area. Members were therefore pleased to receive an update that there has been over a 50% reduction in the number of officers currently in the IHR process with the average time to see a Selected Medical Practitioner (SMP) now reduced to 5 months compared to 13 months in October last year when this was first reported to the Committee and enhanced Authority oversight was put in place. The Committee is therefore satisfied the work done to drive improvements and reduce timelines for IHR has delivered a streamlined experience for those involved.
Strategy Policy and Planning
According to an update from the Director of People & Development, good progress is being made in respect of the refreshed Strategic Workforce Plan and People Strategy Development. A workshop is planned for Committee members to consider drafts of both documents and these will be considered at a specially convened meeting of the People Committee in advance of approval being sought at the November Authority meeting.

Health and Safety
The Committee asked Police Scotland colleagues to continue the work to improve Health and Safety reporting so that the Authority can be assured in respect of appropriate areas of ethical and legal obligations and furthermore to evidence a whole system approach to this important area of work.
Leadership and Talent
During the Leadership and Development Report discussion took place on the steps being taken to ensure equitable opportunities for officers and staff at all ranks and grades to develop. The crowded landscape of initiatives was called out as something that would be rationalised with a view to improving a focus on key strategic areas.
Members considered the overarching process to be used for any senior officer recruitment required in the next 12 months which had been developed based on the College of Policing guidance and learning from recent recruitment processes. The Committee agreed to delegate the implementation of any required senior officer recruitment to the Chair of the Authority.
Pay Considerations
The Committee considered verbal updates on officer and staff pay award negotiations.

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