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Published: 22 August 2023

Committee Chair's Report - 24 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Police Negotiating Board

The meeting covered business as detailed below. This was also intended as the last meeting of PNB in its current form before the commencement of PNB Scotland, as reported via the SPA Chief Executive report.


Following agreement on Police Pay for 2022/23 work has been ongoing to implement the terms and conditions agreed as part of pay agreement. At the time of drafting, discussions and negotiations remain ongoing in relation pay for 2023/24.

PNB Strategic Commitment

The 2022/23 pay agreement included a strategic commitment from the Official Side, which is summarised as follows:

to work with the Staff Side to look to reduce the working week and the level of disruption to police officers (provided it is financially sustainable, does not impact on current service provision and also seeks to enhance the delivery of policing)

the need to fully review working and management practices and the demands placed on officers to ensure officers receive re-rostered rest days in a timely manner

Establish a joint working group with areas of focus being jointly agreed through collaboration with the intention to bring forward joint proposals to the PNB in June 2023.

Involves commitment from senior representation within Police Scotland, SPA and Scottish Government in recognition that the strategic commitment cannot be delivered by a single organisation

Since the 2022/23 pay agreement, the Strategic Commitment Working Group and supporting sub-groups have made progress in identifying key steps to ensure an appropriate focus is placed on working with stakeholders across policing and with external partners to seek to reduce unnecessary demands placed on policing. The focus has primarily been on the police witness process for court and mental health demand. The outcome of this work has been to establish longer term working groups that appropriately align and feed into relevant and existing governance/engagement structures with partners e.g. Criminal Justice Programme Board.

Given the changes to follow, this was assumed as the last meeting of the outgoing Chair, Ian McKay and the parties all thanked him for his excellent chairing throughout his tenure.