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Published: 22 August 2023

Committee Chair's Report - 24 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through Committee meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Main Issues Raised Legal Committee

Statistical Report on Ill Health Retirement and Injury on Duty Awards

The Committee noted a report detailing applications received, the recommendations from Police Scotland and decisions taken in relation to ill health retirement and injury on duty between 4 March 2023 and 14 July 2023.

Legal Services Claims Handling - Quarterly Statistical Information Report - Trends & Analysis in litigation

Members noted a report which detailed d the number of claims settled by Police Scotland during the period April - June 2023 (Q1) under the general headings of Employers’ liability, Public liability and motor vehicle claims. Members also welcomed the 5 year history of claims with discussion of consistency nd outliers. Members sought clarity around specific detail of liability claims and were assured that this information would be available in coming months following the implementation of changes to reporting, which was welcomed.

Legal Committee Work Plan

The Chair advised that in common with good practise the committee will look to have a Development Day in January 2024, outcome of which will be incorporated into the statement of assurance.

Public Inquiries and Fatal Accident Inquiries – Overview Report

Members were updated and assured around the progress in relation to Police Scotland’s response to the Public Inquiry (PI) into the death of Sheku Bayoh and the Fatal Accident Inquiry into the death of John Yuill and Lamara Bell.

Operation Sonnis Update

Members were updated on Police Scotland’s response to the UK Inquiry and separately the Scottish Inquiry into COVID-19. Members enquired about the proposed timescales for completion of the Scottish Inquiry and the cumulative impact of major enquiries.

Litigation Overview

Members were provided with a report which detailed significant ongoing litigation involving Police Scotland and the SPA.

Legal Assistance Appeals Update

Members considered two ongoing Legal Assistance Appeals and took a final decision on each appeal.

Pension Forfeiture Update

Members were updated on an ongoing pension forfeiture case. Members also considered the publication of the number and outcome of pension forfeitures considered and agreed that this information should be noted within the Committee Annual Report to the SPA Board.

Potential forfeiture of Police Pension

Members carefully considered and took a decision around a forfeiture of a police pension.