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Published: 21 May 2024

Committee Chair's Report - 23 May 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through governance meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 May 2024

Date : 23 May 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA

Policing Together Oversight Group

Policing Together Vision Refresh
Performance Dashboard
Hate Crime Oversight

Members of the Oversight Group welcome assurance that the work to refresh and clarify the mission and vision for Policing Together is nearing completion. Arrangements for prioritisation, governance and targets are all well developed, and the next meeting of the Oversight Group will consider details of milestones for 2024/25 along with details of resource that will be required to achieve them. Members asked the vision and milestones for the separate workstream of Violence Against Women and Girls and Sexual Exploitation and Tackling Misogyny are also reported along with a clear understanding of how it dovetails with Policing Together activities.

The Group recognise the effort to bring a more consistent and clearer understanding to officers and staff of what changes the Policing Together work is seeking to achieve. Members agree this will encourage wider ownership across the organisation and bring greater confidence to the workforce as Policing Together initiatives become embedded in BAU for all functions.

While the significant ongoing work was noted, the Group agreed it is not yet assured in respect of the overall progress of Policing Together and this will only occur when Members are comfortable with the refreshed approach and the allocation of appropriate resource to ensure the pace of progression in line with the ambition.

Regarding performance reporting, the group considered an update on the development of metrics that will allow evidence-based assessments of impact of Policing Together activity.

Recent changes to Hate Crime Legislation was discussed at length. Members were assured that Police Scotland officers who require to be, are appropriately trained and have access to guidance on the use of this legislation, specifically in the recording of Non-Crime Hate Incidents. Work to update the Police Scotland guidance is ongoing and will result in a refreshed document that reflects where relevant, stakeholder views. The guidance is being consulted on with external stakeholders. Members expect to have clarity on the guidance at the May Authority meeting when it is expected the Chief Constable will discuss Hate Crime. A robust audit function will ensure any learning is captured by managers and can be cascaded as required.


Members agree that to fully embed cultural changes in BAU activities will take time but the overall commitment to Policing Together is clear.
The Group feels there is growing evidence that the aims of Policing Together are being understood and there is wider ownership of the work across business areas in a system wide approach.
Prioritisation and pace of delivery will be important as this work moves forward. The Group is keen to consider tangible evidence of change as soon as possible and maturing data will support the organisation as it seeks to achieve agreed milestones and will provide this Group with assurance in terms of impact.
Update on Hate Crime guidance on legislation and the recording of Non-Crime Hate Incidents to be provided at the May Authority meeting.


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