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Published: 20 February 2024

Committee Chair's Report - 22 February 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 22 February 2024

Date : 22 February 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA

Resources Committee

The formal minute of the public items of business will be available at the meeting scheduled for 20 February 2024. This will also be published on the SPA’s website.
A full recording of the public items of business taken at this meeting can be accessed at

- Financial Monitoring and planning
o Financial Monitoring Report P7 2023/24
o Financial Regulations – Post Implementation Review
o Financial Regulations – pre approval reporting

- Financial Implications Updates
o Pensions Update
o Legislative Change Financial Impacts Update
- Estates Improvement Planning
- Procurement
o Procurement Performance
o Contract awards x 2
- Business Cases Scrutiny
o Project Updates – Forensic Service - Operating Model Project and Criminal History System (CHS) Refresh Project

Members welcomed ACC Middleton who attended to provide operational insight across several matters. It was agreed these insights and explanations aided members of the Committee in their scrutiny and oversight of financial planning matters and Members look forward to representation from other senior operational colleagues at all future committee meetings.
Financial Monitoring and planning
• The Committee discussed the P7 Financial Monitoring Report which reported that mitigating actions and savings continue to be managed and delivered. While progress has been made, a significant risk in terms of delivery of the overall budget remains which remains an area of concern for the Committee.
• It was highlighted that, as reported at the Authority meeting in November, the Accountable Officer has written to Scottish Government seeking £5m contingency funding to support a balanced budget position.
• Members sought and received an assurance that there was robust management of risks resulting from the decision not to commit any further capital in this financial year. The Head of Finance provided assurance the impacts would continue to be closely monitored by the organisation at the most senior level and of course, to this Committee.
• The Post Implementation Review of changes to the Financial Regulations was considered and Members commended the work which had resulted in added clarity on governance and approval levels and improved processes. The Committee was interested to hear that the SPA has shared details of this work with partners including the British Transport Police Authority and the City of London Police Authority. Members also considered the 6 monthly update which gives details of the approvals and decisions made under these Financial Regulations. This reporting gives a proportionate line of sight for the Resources Committee.

Estates Improvement Programme Update
• Members were updated on the wide-ranging estates improvement activity currently underway. Resources Committee and thereafter, the Board will be invited to consider detailed Estates Improvement Plan in early 2024 which will include an update on how the strategic plan is developing. Members sought and received assurances that when it is presented, the more developed plan will provide timescales and milestones for the activity.
• Members agreed internal and external comms would be crucially important as this work progressed and urged Police Scotland colleagues to ensure this was a priority area of planning.

Pensions Update
• The Committee considered an update on the Local Government Pension Schemes (LGPS) scheme valuations and the reduction in employer contribution rates and heard that there is no impact on employee contributions and this does not impact Police Officer pensions.
Legislative Change Financial Impacts Update
• Members welcomed the interim update and noted a comprehensive report, inclusive of validated financials, would be discussed in early 2024. The committee was assured that the final report would address the recommendation within the HMICS Inspection of Toxicology that “SPA and Police Scotland should consider an auditable mechanism to assess impact of new legislation in terms of resource, budget, policy and public confidence”.
Procurement Performance
• The Committee congratulated the team for their recent success in winning 2 awards at the Scottish GO (Government Opportunities) Awards and agreed this was very welcome external validation of the good work done by the team.
• Members noted the continuing positive increases in compliance rates across various procurement functions and a clear theme of supporting delivery of savings.
Business Case Updates
• Following requests for additional oversight following consideration of the Initial Business Case, Members considered an update on the Forensic Service - Operating Model Project and heard this project continues to progress as planned. A Full Business Case will be available in Spring/Summer 2024 which is line with current planning.
• The Criminal History System (CHS) Refresh Project update provided assurance that resourcing risks around timescale delays are decreasing and project delivery appears to be mainly impacted by the complex nature of technical component upgrades.

- In respect of contract awards the Committee asked for an understanding of what consideration is given to how new technical solutions impact the public, for example in cases such as the Cyberkiosk Licence contract award.
- Estates Improvement Masterplan to be presented to the March Resources Committee with details of the timescales and key milestones for the planned activity.

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