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Published: 20 February 2024

Committee Chair's Report - 22 February 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 22 February 2024

Date : 22 February 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA

Policing Together Oversight Group

- Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights Independent Review Group (IRG) Interim Report and progress of Final Report
- Policing Together Programme Activity and Impact Overview
- Assessment of the quality of Police Scotland policies and EQHRIAs
- Impact of publishing misconduct results
- Part-time working for officers
- Review of outstanding grievances
- Communications planning

Over the 2 meetings, Members of the Oversight Group considered several updates on the Policing Together Programme of work. The Director of Forensic Services, SPA Corporate staff, colleagues from Police Scotland’s People & Development and representatives from Learning Training and Development were welcomed to the meetings. Their attendance and contributions underpinned the ambition of the Group to ensure this work encompasses all areas of the organisation.

The Chair and Vice Chair of the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights Independent Review Group (IRG) informed Members on their recent work via an interim update at the meeting of 5 December, followed by a summary of their draft final report, supported by IRG colleagues on 15 January. Members welcomed the updates and agreed that the final report would be presented by the IRG to the Authority meeting of 21 March alongside a written response to its findings by Police Scotland.

The work to deliver effective training was considered and an assurance was provided that ongoing evaluation and impact assessment will ensure the training offerings are cognisant of any lessons identified and training will be refreshed when it is identified as necessary.

A comprehensive review of Police Scotland policies and EQHRIAs continues and a report of the findings will be considered by the Oversight Group early in the coming months. Members anticipate the report will provide oversight of the steps taken to address unconscious bias and assurance that, where it has been found, steps have been taken so that published documents are free from bias and support improved practice along with shared learning.

Oversight Group Members welcomed a report which provided positive feedback on new Professional Standards Department internal publications, namely “The Standard” and “Gross Misconduct Outcomes”. These publications describe trends and patterns seen in complaint and disciplinary matters in order to highlight to officers and staff the standards of behaviour required of them. The publications also share the outcomes of actual gross misconduct cases to increase awareness across the organisation.

The need to create a shift in the organisational culture to move to focus on early engagement, mediation and resolutions was discussed by the Oversight Group. The importance of communications to achieve this shift was understood by all and Members welcomed an assurance that steps are being taken to create a more positive environment in this regard.

Finally, the Head of Corporate Communications updated Members on the various components of the Policing Together Communications Strategy. Members were encouraged by the range of activities being undertaken and level of staff and officer engagement with the intranet site.


- While there has been some discussion on the performance framework and the development of dashboards for the Policing Together programme, members continue to reinforce the need for clear reporting on progress (activities, outcomes and impact) that demonstrates appropriate prioritising and pace of delivery. Future meetings will consider Police Scotland’s ongoing work on data development and reporting.

- Further to the update on part-time and flexible working, members are seeking a clear statement of intent in this space, as it is seen as an area of significant potential. It is expected that a position on probationer recruitment will be confirmed shortly.

- The Oversight Group has actioned a paper which will provide an assessment of the quality of policies and EQHRIAs that have been reviewed along with a timeline for the completion of the review. Members expect that the most impactful policy changes will be accelerated, with demonstrable progress reported back to the Oversight Group at the next meeting.

- Similarly, an Internal Audit of Grievances will be considered by this Group at a future meeting.

- Overall, The Policing Together Oversight Group continues to seek assurances from Police Scotland, working with SPA Forensics and SPA Corporate, that it can, and will deliver high-impact outcomes at pace, and is prepared to prioritise its resources to ensure the success of the programme.

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