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Published: 20 February 2024

Committee Chair's Report - 22 February 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through the meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 22 February 2024

Date : 22 February 2024

Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA

Forensic Services Committee

The formal minute of the public items of business will be available at the meeting scheduled for 7 May 2024. This will also be published on the SPA’s website. A full recording of the public items of business taken at this meeting can be accessed at Forensic Services Committee – 5th February 2024

• Forensic Services performance, including financial
• Drug Driving
• HMICS Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology Provision – Improvement Plan and Timeline for Delivery
• Forensic Services Change Programme
• Digital Forensics – Next Steps and Timeline for Progression
• Operational Risk

Forensic Services Directors Report

Members welcomed a significantly improved picture in relation to Post Mortem Toxicology and were assured that cases received towards the end of December 2023 onwards will comply with the 35 days turnaround time for non-priority cases. Members also welcomed and commended a positive assurance statement following a successful Biometrics internal audit.

Forensic Services Performance

Members sought and received assurance in relation to performance and delivery specifically around volume crime, firearms, scene examination and health and safety as a result of areas of ‘red’ performance highlighted in the report. Members were given assurance that outstanding UKAS issue in relation to management system audits and compliance with ISO 17025 were being addressed and offerend no significant risk to accreditation.

Drug Driving / Forensic Toxicology Improvement

Members noted the improvements in in house performance on drug driving toxicology while expressing concern on the timeliness of case turnaround from the outsourcing provider. Further detail was provided on the ongoing management of the outsourcing contract and the planned improvement in timeliness as well as the requirement to continue outsourcing into 2024/25 to support further internal service development. Members sought clarity on the position regarding the Statutory Time Limit and stressed the importance of being prepared for the time limit to reduce to 6 months at the end of November 2024. Police Scotland assured members that PS, Forensic Services and COPFS were all working collaboratively, with open and honest conversations as and when required in relation to this matter. Members have asked that future committee reports details the end-to-end process around achieving the 6-month statutory time limit. Members sought clarity around when they would have sight of the Long-Term Sustainable Model and were advised that work was required as part of their internal strategy before they refresh the work that has been done on the options for a Long-Term Sustainable Model and submit a business case to allow this piece to be part of budget discussions. Members were advised that this piece of work remains as Forensic Services highest risk.

HMICS Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology Provision – Improvement Plan

HMICS advised that there had been good progress made in some areas of the business, however, had concerns around the Long-Term Sustainable Model and where the funding for that would come from. HMICS noted that keeping people safe on the roads of Scotland will require increased capability and capacity to ensure roadside testing is available to a wider range of police officers. HMICS stressed that preparation and planning should be underway for a reduction to a 6-month statutory time limit noting this as the view of members of the criminal justice committee. Crown Office are currently planning towards a reduction to a 6-month statutory time limit.

Forensic Services Change Programme Update

Members were provided with an update on progress against the Forensic Services Change Programme Plan and work to introduce a Benefits Realisation Management Framework & Plan. Members welcomed the layout of the report, particularly the presentation of benefits realisation within the report. Members noted concerns around delivery timelines, particularly with the absence of a project manager and were assured that the current resource will ensure delivery and that the August deadline will be met. Members look forward to having sight of a detailed report to the next committee following the external review of the tasking and deployment processes carried the Metropolitan Police.

Digital Forensics – Next Steps and Timeline for Progression

Members received with a report on Police Scotland’s progress towards obtaining ISO 17025 within Digital Forensics. The committee have been assured that a revised timeline with come within the next 6 monthly report which should hopefully include the UKAS timeline and steady state of work. Members were advised that there were no concerns over the March 2026 end date. Members have welcomed a handbook approach to setting up all sites by Summer 2025.

Operational Risk

Members were provided with the opportunity to review FS Operational Risks.

Drug Driving
Members AGREED the need for future reports to be restructured and detail the end-to-end process of achieving the 6-month statutory time limit.
Members AGREED the need for regular updates (fortnightly or monthly) in relation to the deterioration in the timeliness of provision of drug driving reports from the outsource partner during the latter part of Q3 2023/24.
FS Change Programme
Members AGREED the need for a report on the feedback on the external review of the tasking and deployment processes carried the Metropolitan Police.
Digital Forensics – Next Steps and timeline for progression
Members AGREED the need for the next report to include a revised timeline including the UKAS timeline and steady state of work.

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