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Published: 19 March 2024

Committee Chair's Report - 21 March 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 March 2024

Date : 21 March 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH

Policing Together Oversight Group

• Policing Together Programme 2023 Achievements and Priorities/Milestones for 2024
• Review of key policies with specific EDI Implications – findings update
• Flexible and Part time working – next steps

The members of the Oversight Group agree there clearly a commitment by Police Scotland to delivery cultural change and the intent, effort and overall volume of Policing Together activity is all recognised and commended by Members. Attendees however agree that work is required to improve the reporting of progress and impact so that the Authority is assured in respect of delivery of Policing Together outcomes, prioritisation and pace of work and evidence of impact on the workforce and on public confidence. DCC Spiers confirmed Members could expect a vision for 2027, and how progress towards this will be measured, at the next meeting of the Oversight Group.

An update was considered which told the Group about work being done to re-engage the workforce through use of simple, pithy messaging. Members have clarified their wish to be assured there is a shared understanding across all areas of the organisations so that siloed working is not seen and prioritisation of initiatives is made by the Executive and is communicated and understood by everyone in the organisation.

The Group feels that the aims of Policing Together have not yet been clearly articulated by Police Scotland to the workforce and public so they will understand what is being worked towards and how they will know, see and feel that changes have had the desired impact. Members have requested sight of a clear statement/s which will succinctly explain the ambitions and for there to be an explicit commitment to a culture which welcomes anyone who does not experience the overall aim, to feel comfortable to say so.
Overall, The Policing Together Oversight Group continues to seek assurances from Police Scotland, working with SPA Forensics and SPA Corporate that the arrangements are in place to report and track impact and progress across all areas of Policing Together activity; and that these arrangements are sufficient to demonstrate progress in the delivery of the objectives and outcomes of Policing Together.


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