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Published: 19 March 2024

Committee Chair's Report - 21 March 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of business progressed through meetings which have met since the last Authority Meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 March 2024

Date : 21 March 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH

Policing Performance Committee

The formal minute of the items of business will be available at the meeting scheduled for June 2024. This will also be published on the Authority’s website.
A full recording of the items of business taken at this meeting can be accessed at

• Performance and Improvement Reporting
• Public Confidence and Partnership Activity
• Oversight of Operational Policing Issues
Performance Reporting and Improvement Activity

• The refreshed format Q3 Performance Report was discussed at length. The Committee welcomed a focus on key insights from data, improved reporting on areas of exception, regional variations and overall improved transparency.
• Police Scotland re-stated its commitment to further reporting improvements to support Authority oversight and scrutiny with data and insight.
• The Committee considered several examples of how performance data is being used to inform operational priorities and tasking decisions, and noted recent examples of when performance data has been used to flex approaches and improve performance in practice.
• The Committee welcomed and supported this data-led decision-making approach. where Practical examples are providing growing evidence base and assurance to the Authority of a whole system that allows informed decisions to keep the people of Scotland safe.
• The Committee consider that benchmarking is now embedded in Police Scotland’s approach to ongoing performance reporting to the committee and the wider public. Guiding Principles of the Benchmarking Framework will further support an appropriate approach to Benchmarking going forward.
Public Confidence and Partnership Activity
• The Committee considered several updates on a number of ongoing projects with a focus on understanding public confidence and developing partnership working and stakeholder engagement. Commitment was made to identifying and exploring any opportunities for collaboration.
• Members heard that work continues to discharge HMICS recommendations made in assurance reviews and the Committee particularly welcomed the update that this improvement activity will discharge specific recommendations and embed wholesale change across the organisation in how policing is delivered.
• The Committee was supportive of the impressive work being reported by the International Development Unit as showcased in their Annual Report. Recognising the obvious benefits for those with whom Police Scotland share knowledge and expertise, the Committee would like to understand how the skills gained by officers is positively impacting the rest of Police Scotland, and how the objectives outlined in the Unit’s strategy will be considered in the revised model of policing.

Operational Policing Policy
• Members considered an evaluation report on the Proportionate Response to Crime Pilot carried out in the North East. Members were satisfied that Police Scotland addressed members queries around the evaluation findings and supported the plans to roll this approach out, on a phased basis, across the rest of the country.
• Members requested that continual evaluation and capturing of learning and improvement through evaluation is reported to the Authority. Reporting should focus on public confidence, user satisfaction and prioritisation of threat risk and harm.

Conclusions Reached

Building on the recognised improvements in the Q3 Report, performance reporting will continue to develop focusing on building public trust, confidence and understanding of the challenges facing Police Scotland and the prioritised actions being taken forward to address these.


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