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Published: 19 April 2023

Children in Custody - Public Briefing - April 2023

Report Summary

A Public Briefing explaining the issues surrounding children in custody, and the assurances for the public. This Briefing provides details about the circumstances that may lead to a child being brought into police custody as well as the additional safeguards that exist for a child in custody. Published in April 2023.

Looking forward

Following on from the event in November, the Authority and Police Scotland plan to continue to discuss the issue of children in custody with partners to establish improvements that can be made.

Further reading

A summary of the Places of Safety for Children in Conflict with the Law event, written by the SPA Chair Martyn Evans – avaibable on the SPA website.

Keeping up to date

To keep up to date with our work, please keep an eye on the Scottish Police Authority’s website you can find papers and watch livestream committee discussions, and follow us on Twitter:

@ScotPolAuth @policescotland

Date published: March 2023

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