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Published: 01 October 2024

Chief Executive's Report - 26 September 2024

Category: Reports
Commitee: Board Meetings

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Authority’s Chief Executive since the last Authority meeting.

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 September 2024

Date : 26 September 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH



This report provides Members with an update on key Authority business not already covered elsewhere on the agenda and seek approval to set the calendar of meetings for the 2025-2026 financial year.

Wellbeing and mental health in policing

On 11 September 2024, the Authority attended the Criminal Justice Committee to provide an update on efforts to strengthen the wellbeing and support available to officers and staff working within policing.

I attended the session alongside the Vice Chair, Fiona McQueen and Alasdair Hay, Chair of Policing Performance Committee. Ahead of the evidence session, the Authority provided a written update on to inform scrutiny at the evidence session which was also attended by Police Scotland, statutory staff association and trade union representatives. An official report of the full session is now available on the Parliament’s website.

During the session the Authority was asked to provide the committee with further details in relation to two issues:

• custody cells as an appropriate place of safety for children under the age of 18; and
• information on how policing costs are recovered for commercial events.

I am compiling a response on both points and will share that with members prior to submission by the end of September 2024.

Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24

The audited Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) for 2023/24 and independent auditors report have been considered and recommended to the Board by the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee.

The ARA is required to be considered and approved by the Board in private as it must first be provided to the Scottish Parliament for consideration before it can be made public. After the ARA has been laid in the Scottish Parliament it will be published on the Authority’s website.

I am very grateful to the SPA and Police Scotland staff who have prepared the ARA on time and to a high standard and to our auditors, Grant Thornton, who also completed their audit work to the planned timetable. Despite ourselves and the auditors meeting our deadlines the final signing of the ARA by the auditors is likely to be delayed due to some audits of Local Government pension funds not being completed on time. Our auditor is not able to sign our ARA until they have the completed audits from all Local Government pension schemes.

Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) Bill – Stage 1 Report

On 2 July 2024, the Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee published its Stage 1 Report on the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) Bill.

The Committee’s Stage 1 scrutiny of the Bill was informed by a range of views from key stakeholders and individuals following a consultation and number of evidence sessions.

On 29 August 2024, the Authority responded to the Committee’s Stage 1 report, setting out our views on recommendations and comments directed to the Authority.

Corporate Parenting Update

In my report to the June 2024 meeting of the Board, I confirmed the Authority’s nomination for four awards at the Who Cares? Scotland Corporate Parenting Awards 2024. These awards focus on the innovative and transformative practice of Corporate Parents across Scotland. Who Cares? Scotland is a charity that supports those who are Care Experienced and assists Corporate Parents, such as the Authority, in fulfilling their duties as outlined in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

Following the Awards Ceremony on the 22 August 2024, I am pleased to confirm that SPA member of staff Sam Curran was awarded the Equality, Respect & Love Award. This acknowledges the work that Sam and the wider team have done over the last few years to raise our profile as a Corporate Parent and the difference this has made to those who are Care Experienced.

The Authority will be presenting the next iteration of our Corporate Parenting Plan to the Policing Performance Committee in December 2024, which will detail our commitments to the Care Experienced community across the next three-year reporting period.

2025/26 schedule of Board and Committee meetings

The Authority’s Corporate Governance Framework requires that a provisional schedule of board and committee meetings for the forthcoming calendar year is approved by the Board and published on the Authority’s website.

The provisional schedule of meetings for 2025/26 calendar year are set out at Appendix A. These dates have been set following engagement with members, Police Scotland and Forensic Services and take account of reporting requirements and internal governance. Members are invited to approve this schedule.

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