Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Authority’s Chief Executive since the February 2024 Authority meeting.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 March 2024
Date : 21 March 2024
Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH
Annual Delivery Plan 2024-25
Members approved the Scottish Police Authority Corporate Strategy 2023-26 at the Authority meeting in March 2023. The strategy is underpinned by a three-year implementation plan, detailing the activities we have identified to support delivery of our strategic outcomes as an organisation.
As reported in March 2023, as part of our corporate approach we put in place an annual delivery plan containing key milestones and actions. This informs reporting of progress towards delivery of the Corporate Strategy through the Authority’s Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee on a quarterly basis, and the annual assessment of the Authority’s own performance which is included in the Annual Report and Accounts.
The annual delivery plan for 2024-25 is now in place, developed in consultation with the Authority’s Corporate team. This plan reflects a focus on key priority areas and commitments and progress will be reported regularly to the Audit Risk and Assurance Committee.
Mental Health Distress and Policing
I updated members in my February report on work underway in relation to mental health, vulnerability and policing. Since my last update, two partnership workshops have taken place in NHS Highland and NHS Forth Valley with the final session, in NHS Lanarkshire, taking place in April. These multi agency workshops aim to identify examples of practice which are reflective of local needs and arrangements, areas of improvement and opportunities for collaboration. The output from all three sessions will inform a final report to be considered by Authority’s Policing Performance Committee in June 2024.
The Mental Health Distress and Policing Partnership Delivery Group ensures alignment and coordination of the range of partnership activity underway in this area and ensures that further opportunities for collaboration are identified and progressed, such as the ideas being generated through the Police Scotland led unscheduled care mental health design workshops.
Scottish Railways Policing Committee
A meeting of the Scottish Railway Policing Committee (SRPC) took place on Tuesday 5 March 2024 in the Authority’s Glasgow office. Tom Halpin and Mary Pitcaithly were in attendance and represent the Authority on this committee.
A report summarising the key issues covered at this meeting is included at appendix A. Further detail can be found on the British Transport Police Authority website. The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday 4 June 2024.