Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Chief Constable's Year End Policing Performance Assessment.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 June 2023
Date : 21 June 2023
Location : Apex Grassmarket, Edinburgh
Further Detail
The report is set out in accordance with the request from the SPA that it:
Complies with HM Treasury Financial Reporting Manual (FReM);
Includes a performance analysis of Police Scotland’s delivery of the five Outcomes and 15 Objectives in our Performance Framework;
Is supported by key case studies;
Includes a horizon scan of the coming year.
The structure of the Chief Constable’s Assessment of Policing Performance is largely shaped around the strategic outcomes, and the objectives and activities that sit beneath them. This report is presented with the following sections:
Chief Constable’s foreword;
Joint Strategy for Policing;
Executive Summary;
Progress towards Police Scotland Strategic Outcomes;
Look Forward.
In addition, the activities committed to in the Annual Policing Plan (APP) are also listed at the back of the document, with the current status of each activity noted.
A full copy of the Chief Constable’s Assessment of Policing Performance 2022/23 Report is provided at Appendix A.
The Chief Constable’s Assessment of Policing Performance 2022/23 Report is presented for discussion with members of the SPA Board.