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Published: 28 November 2023

Chief Constable's Report - 30 November 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 30 November 2023

Date : 30 November 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh



Operation Moonbeam is the nationally co-ordinated, multi-agency response to the events surrounding bonfire night, including the marked rise in anti-social behaviour and criminality that is traditionally observed across the country during this period, including attacks on emergency workers.

Operation Moonbeam took place between 31 October and 5 November 2023. A proportionate and robust policing plan was delivered, co-ordinating the work of Local Policing Divisions, partners, and public order command and resource, to effectively respond to incidents of violence and disorder.

While the volume of firework related incidents experienced remained comparatively low, there were incidents of disorder in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee involving local youths using fireworks as weapons and in some instances directing these at people, vehicles and buildings.

On Saturday 5 November, within the Niddrie area of Edinburgh a crowd of youths engaged in unprecedented levels of disorder and violence resulting in injuries to officers. Enquiries continue to identify those responsible and support is in place for all officers affected by the incidents.

The level of violent disorder directed at officers was deplorable. 60 officers reported being injured during the weekend suffering a variety of injuries including burns and loss of hearing.

To date 15 people have been charged in connection with the disorder and a dedicated investigative team remains in place to progress enquiries and bring offenders to justice.


Flooding and land slips
During October a number of severe weather related incidents caused significant impact and disruption to communities across Scotland.
Between 6 and 8 October 2023, following an Amber Warning of rain across most of Scotland, a national Major Incident was declared in order to support local resilience partnership activations across Scotland.
Significant challenges were experienced in Argyll and Bute, Forth Valley, and Highlands and Islands, due to high levels of flooding and landslips impacting on roads, homes, businesses and the transport network in Argyll and Bute, causing short-term isolation of some communities. Partners worked closely to provide a co-ordinated emergency response to those communities, with a particular focus on the provision of assistance to those who were most vulnerable.
Storm Babet
On Thursday 19 October 2023, the MET office issued Red Weather warnings in relation to Storm Babet. Unprecedented rainfall in the North East area led to significant flooding, damage to property and disruption to the transport network.

A major incident was declared in the Tayside region, where 422 homes in the Brechin and Finavon areas were evacuated. Police Scotland received over 600 weather related incidents and tragically three weather related fatalities were reported.

In conjunction with resilience partners, Police Scotland formed an integral part of the multi-agency response to both of these operations. Numerous local and specialist resources deployed, demonstrating the utmost professionalism, bravery and commitment in rescuing and supporting the most vulnerable in our communities. This was an incredible response to some of the worst weather in living memory, I am extremely proud of our response.


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