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Published: 26 March 2025

Chief Constable's Report - 27 March 2025

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 March 2025

Date : 27 March 2025

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH


As we move towards 2025-26, I will continue to drive the next phase of reform to implement an effective and sustainable model of policing in Scotland which delivers safer communities, less crime, supported victims, and a thriving workforce.

Key planning, including my annual policing plan and the budget for policing in Scotland set the parameters for the second year of our business plan to deliver on my vision for policing.
Policing in Scotland is an exemplar of public service reform, reducing the annual cost base to the public purse by around £300m compared to legacy arrangements, while maintaining and improving services and enhancing organisational learning, professionalism and governance.

That has been achieved by a workforce that has reduced from over 24,000 to closer to 22,500, and through significant challenge and effort.

My report outlines the broad and complex police work delivered by those officers, staff and volunteers to deliver great value and improve the lives and wellbeing of the people and communities of Scotland every day.

This ranges from our response to murders, human trafficking and exploitation, securing criminal justice outcomes in relation to serious sexual offending and drug dealing to policing events.

I outline work designed to take a more intelligence driven and technology enabled approach to tackling retail crime, work with partners to build a society which is more resilient to cyber fraud and crucial efforts to take a more compassionate approach to communicating with victims of crime, while also continuing to broaden our understanding and engagement with all the communities we serve.

All this is delivered through the dedication, skill, expertise, professionalism and goodwill of police officers, police staff and volunteers who maintain and build the support and co-operation of the public.

At the end of February, I was able to meet and personally thank officers, staff, volunteers and their families and other members of the public who had played outstanding roles in that whole-system mission to build a safer Scotland or to step forward when tragedy or disaster occurs during my annual bravery and excellence awards.

The nominations were powerful examples of the value policing brings to society. I also outline a programme of staff recognition during February as part of a broader campaign across UK policing aimed at highlighting the crucial support and expertise non-warranted police staff bring to policing.

I want to thank officers, staff and volunteers for everything they do and recognise the personal commitment they make to what is a vital and fulfilling, and very demanding job.

From my first day 18 months ago, we've driven efforts to focus our response on threat, harm and risk and on problem solving and proactivity which can prevent crime and help to reduce demand.

At the same time, we've been working hard to prioritise the frontline and collaborating with partners to provide better services in the criminal justice system and in response to mental health incident, while reducing inefficient demand on police officers.

My report outlines some of what has been achieved through working with NHS24 and staff at Contact, Command and Control (C3) to refer more calls to health colleagues, to help people get help from those best able to give it, while reducing officer hours spent responding to incidents where they are not needed.

I also highlight promising signs that a partnership focus on case management is reducing the number of witnesses, including police officers, who attend court but are not called to give evidence.

We must continue to drive and capture efficiencies to make conscious decisions to reinvest to deliver a sustainable and effective policing model.

Continuous reform and efficiency must be the new normal in public service and we remain committed to delivering best value. Reform achieved should be rewarded.

Our budget remains challenging, with a built-in savings requirement and anticipated pay pressures.

However, Scottish Government funding allows us to continue officer recruitment while modernising the workforce to release experienced officers from roles which don’t need warranted powers so that we can prioritise, maximise, and support the frontline to deliver for our communities.

Our allocation enables policing to progress on the delivery of our business plan. Key plans for 2025-26, include the development of a strengthened community policing model to provide identifiable officers to local areas, and the establishment of a new cyber fraud unit to tackle online crime and better support victims.

Ensuring Scotland continues to be a safe place to live and work is my commitment and priority. As Chief Constable, my view is that the route to a safer Scotland is through the next phase of policing reform.