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Published: 26 June 2024

Chief Constable's Report - 27 June 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 27 June 2024

Date : 27 June 2024

Location : Caledonian Suite, COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH

Supporting officers and staff

NPCC Response Policing Week of Action

The contribution response officers make to policing in Scotland is crucial. They are on shift 24/7, 365 days a year, ready to respond when the public need us and often putting themselves in harm’s way to keep other people safe.
Deputy Chief Constable Jane Connors met with response teams across the country to discuss the amazing work they do on a daily basis, and to hear first-hand about their vital contribution to policing.
Throughout the week of action, which takes place between 24 and 30 June, a series of free web sessions are being held and we will be promoting these internally. Our officers will be provided with a range of opportunities to enhance professional development, network with colleagues, share good practice and gain understanding on how to maintain their own physical and mental wellbeing.
I would like to thank all of our response officers for their continued professionalism, bravery and dedication to their duties.

Leadership and responsibilities

Following the appointments of Stuart Houston, Catriona Paton and Mark Sutherland as Assistant Chief Constables, I have confirmed changes to leadership responsibilities within the Force Executive.
Deputy Chief Constable (Designate) Jane Connors continues to lead Local Policing as well as leading on change. Mark Sutherland took up post as ACC West on 10 June. Operational Support is now part of the DCC Local Policing portfolio.
Criminal Justice reports into DCC Bex Smith as part of the Crime portfolio. ACC Steve Johnson now leads Major Crime, Public Protection and Local Crime within the DCC Crime portfolio.
Stuart Houston remains as ACC Professionalism and Assurance and Catriona Paton has joined DCC Alan Speirs's Professionalism, Strategy and Engagement portfolio as ACC for Policing Together.

Passing out parade

On Friday, 14 June, more than 190 officers celebrated their passing out parade with family and loved ones at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan, having completed their initial training.
The officers have now deployed to serve communities across Scotland and continue their probationary periods.
I am grateful to every one of our new officers for stepping forward to join the policing family in providing an excellent service to the public.

Police Officer Attraction

On Saturday, 1 June, we held our recruitment showcase event which was the first time Police Scotland has welcomed members of the public into our Recruitment and Training Centre at Jackton, in South Lanarkshire. The event enabled over 2,500 members of the public to gain access to the people and departments who support the recruitment journey and meet the real people behind the uniforms.
Our theme, “Are you looking for a job like no other?” was supported with insight and lived experiences from many of our specialist teams on how they support and help protect our police officers to keep the people and communities of Scotland safe from harm.
The event supports our ongoing efforts to attract candidates for the roles of police officer and Special Constable.

King's Birthday Honours

I want to record my thanks to officers and staff, including a member of our brilliant Special Constabulary, who were recognised in His Majesty's Birthday Honours earlier this month.
Assistant Chief Constable Catriona Paton and Special Constable Alistair Cameron were awarded the King's Police Medal (KPM). Head of Fleet Tony Chalk and retired Special Constable Iain Sutherland received an MBE.
I offer my warmest congratulations to Catriona, Alistair, Tony and Iain for this deserved recognition of their significant contribution to policing and their communities.

Workforce survey

We have partnered with Progressive Partnership Ltd to deliver a workforce survey which will open on 1 July.
The wellbeing and support of our colleagues is at the heart of our decision making and the survey will give them further opportunity to tell us if the support we are providing is tailored to their needs.
Colleague feedback will help us build an understanding of how connected they feel to the organisation and how confident they are that they can be themselves at work.
We are communicating with colleagues to encourage participation and we will share the results with officers and staff, the Authority and publicly later this year.

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