Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of information relating to the Police Service, policing and the state of crime.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 May 2024
Date : 23 May 2024
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA
On 1 April, the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act, which seeks to provide greater protection for victims and communities and to tackle the harm caused by hostility and prejudice, came into force.
The legislation and policing’s role in implementing it have been subject of debate and interest and in the first week of implementation, we received a surge of over 7,000 online hate reports. I do believe the implementation was at times hijacked to make mischief and a vast majority of these reports were submitted anonymously and were not classified as hate crimes or non-crime hate incidents.
During this surge, we increased capacity in our Contact, Command and Control (C3) Division and the impact on frontline policing was minimal. Since then, the number of online reports has fallen significantly, with just over 100 during the week ending 12 May.
To support implementation, we developed and delivered a programme of training for officers, including an e-learning module which has been completed by around 90% of officers, as well as a series of in-person and online workshops.
We’ve trained a cadre of around 80 hate crime advisors and 450 hate crime champions to support colleagues while C3 officers and staff also received tailored training.
As I've been clear, I have great confidence in our officers to enforce new legislation with the professionalism and good sense they demonstrate day in, day out and with the support of the programme outlined. Clarity about policing's approach to reports of hate crime and around the recording of non-crime hate incidents is important and we are sharing more information in this regard.
Earlier this month, we published interim guidance for officers on the recording of non-crime hate incidents which outlines a reasonable person and policing purpose test and provides direction that the details of the other party of a report would not be routinely recorded as part of a non-crime hate incident.
We continue to develop a policy and standard operating procedure around our response to reports of hate, including hate crime and non-crime hate incidents which will align as closely as possible with the College of Policing guidance.
This report outlines how officers and staff are delivering for the public every day - supporting court outcomes in murder, organised crime and domestic abuse cases after police investigations; patrolling with partners in Moray in response to anti-social behaviour; working to prevent road deaths; and investigating cyber attacks.
I've also highlighted an incident in Paisley during which two officers were injured in the course of their duties. A man has been arrested and so I will not go into detail but it is important that the officers continue to get the support they need and deserve.
Brave officers work to serve their communities and, at times, place themselves in harm's way to keep people safe. I pay tribute to their courage and I am absolutely clear on my duty to support them and advocate on their behalf.
The commitment and passion I see and hear from officers and staff consistently inspires my core belief in the value policing brings to our communities. That value must be for all our communities.
People from all communities must know that when we talk about keeping people safe, we mean them. All communities must feel able to speak to the police, to report a crime or to share information. I want people from all communities to see policing as a potential career.
I’ve been meeting with officers and staff, including our non-statutory staff associations, and hearing first-hand about their experiences. I know those principles have not always applied to all communities, including those within Police Scotland.
One year ago, on 25 May 2023, my predecessor addressed the matter of institutional racism, sexism and discrimination within Police Scotland and outlined policing's determination to build an inclusive, anti-racist, anti-discriminatory Service for our people and the communities we serve. On appointment, I agreed with that assessment and underlined my commitment to necessary change.
Our Policing Together programme drives action for meaningful change across four strategic pillars - leadership; training; professionalism and prevention; and communications.
First, leadership - over 5,500 police leaders are undertaking an improved leadership programme to help them build inclusive effective teams that deliver for all communities. Senior leaders have heard different voices in truth to power sessions; community events and through academic studies. We’re acting on what we’ve been told.
Second, professionalism and prevention – over the last year, we’ve had a deep dive on each of the 10 standards of behaviour demanded of officers by law and we’ve shared more information about gross misconduct outcomes.
Third, training - 99% of colleagues have taken new training on the Equality Act and we’re building on that education with further courses.
Lastly, communication – we’re recognising different experiences and backgrounds during key dates, with practical tips for officers and staff to connect with communities and delivering a clear and consistent message that there’s no place in Police Scotland for those who reject our values.
Injustice and discrimination have deep roots in history and our work to address it requires commitment, focus, leadership and persistence. Today, I reaffirm that commitment and thank the Authority for your ongoing support and challenge, led by Tom Halpin, in this vital area of work.
Our success will be measured by improved experiences of our officers and staff and the public we serve and we are reporting on Policing Together performance through the Authority twice yearly.
It is vital we seek ways to understand the experiences of the public and of officers and staff, through first-hand accounts but also more structured feedback - and act on what we've been told.
That's why we've re-opened the Your Police Survey for 2024-25 for members of the public to share their assessment of how we are doing and it is why we will conduct a refreshed officer and staff survey in the coming months.
These insights will help us to challenge ourselves so that we continually improve and deliver for the public.
Finally, since the last Authority Board meeting, we have welcomed over 300 new probationary officers into Police Scotland who will deploy to serve communities across the country following their initial training.